Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Weigelia »

Whitebean wrote:[...] happily married to Cleia and caring for our little green winged children [...]
And they're still talking about that awkward night at the hospital.

I'M SORRY ! I know, they're parrots. I couldn't resist.

Thanks for checking our forums, Whitebeans :)
Keep cool and ride the Drama Lama.
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Whitebean »

Hi Kisshoten,
and thanks for the welcome :) And no not hard to be his wife :mrgreen:
And yep have clayed all guardian including the one in Fusang although this was very new to me, never been in an PVP area before and I met such and such people there very nice ones from other factions standing with us on the balcony and dancing waiting for the gatekeeper to come and wake the guardian and others killing me several times from behind while we were all engaging the guardian, but oh well such is life...

Have collected all the little might realize now I am really female with this pet collecting trait and I am now on my next task to get the teddybaers from I7 :roll:
And in between helping others with quests doing NM dungeons completing my custum dps setup - which is my second one, healer by nature here - and just having fun. So hope to see you around and maybe be able to play together with you :)
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Whitebean »

Weigelia wrote:
Whitebean wrote:[...] happily married to Cleia and caring for our little green winged children [...]
And they're still talking about that awkward night at the hospital.

I'M SORRY ! I know, they're parrots. I couldn't resist.

Thanks for checking our forums, Whitebeans :)
lol Weigelia...and yep they do talk about that awkward night at the hospital - which in fact was a parrots breeding station ;) ....hihi... but at least they accepted me as their "mother" and the male one is quite possessive now and even tries to feed me from time to time. Those are the moments I have to tell him, that I am not really his kind and it might be better to concentrate on his sweet female :mrgreen: but you know the grass seems always greener in neighbors
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Okkto »

Hi everyone

Okkto here, short for Octormalis. After a 2-year sabbatical on MMOs, I am back and picked up The Secret World, in memory of the Lovecraft books that I used to read a long long time ago.

I'm of the older generation, and played in games that will probably not tell you that much, such as Asheron's Call II. World of Warcraft was the revelation for me of how good (game) and bad (community) a game can be. I've since wandered in other games such as Lord of the Rings Online, Rift, and Star Wars, where I held officers' and even guild leader position. I miss the feeling of togetherness that only good guilds/cabals can bring, and am looking forward to being a good member of the Nine Swords, should I be accepted.

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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Eoligos »

Hi and pleased to make your acquaintance.
I am a 28 year old Italian currently living in Norway (yep, expatriated).

I stopped playing TSW when issue #1 came out, mostly due to the lack of end-game content and a community not being exactly... friendly.
Or polite.
No ok, really, I felt like I was in a cage of chimpanzees after they had been bathed in frozen water.

I got back into the game since a friend of mine started (she'll probably join the cabal too, at a latter time) and I know that this game is most enjoyable with a proper group, especially if you prefer to RP it (the setting is so good that it makes up for the lack of end-game).

I did try pretty much everything that was available at the time and was 18/18 when I stopped (currently 3.7AR).
I also have somewhat decent healing and tanking gear (purple 10/10.2 I picked up while running instances).

As a person I'm quite easygoing and relaxed, I already have 2 jobs and I am not interested in getting another.
I play for fun and to relax, I still like running NM dungeons but despise those getting angry when someone makes mistakes (more often than not I am the last man standing, I just dislike the attitude).
I had a brief chat with a few members today and had a good impression so I decided to give the cabal a shot if the cabal is interested.
We must plan for Tokyo. We must counter the enemy, for the enemy is showing its many faces. The game is most definitely afoot.
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Fizzion »

Hi I am Fizzion and I was in TSW last year, but dropped out did some Rift and restarted this summer. I like doing NM s and it has
been hard slogging through pugs, some fun some not. I have been looking for an active cabal and 9 sounds like fun.
It also sounds familiar. I didnt think to keep track of the groups i joined or pugged with last year, lol seems long ago in game time.

I know that the pointy end goes into the other guy, but would be very open to learning some more methods. :) cheers
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Katelin »

If you are definitely interested in joining us, Fizzion - please click the JOIN 9S link over to the left of the forums and fill out an application to join us :)
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Fizzion »

Hi, yes, i have just applied. thankyou :)
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Saunabath »

Hello everybody. Saunabath is the name, I have been looking for a cabal for some time so I thought I'd introduce myself a bit. You guys seem like an active folk, and judged by the Draug Days event you put up pretty fun to be around.

I have been playing TSW a couple months now. I'm also playing Anarchy Online, but I finally got a change to give TSW a try and I am liking it a lot so far. Rather than trying to do everything alone through the hard way, I thought it would be fun to find some people to do the things together... the hard way.
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by SofCa »

Hello Sauna! Thank you for your interest in joining 9S! You'll see we're all about having fun together and you'll always find someone willing to help on line.

Looking forward to fight the forces of evil on the field with you!
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