NY Raid Thursday 12 September 19:00 GMT

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Re: NY Raid Thursday 12 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Uragon »

Katelin and me signing up!
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 12 September 19:00 GMT

Post by MissShadow »

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Re: NY Raid Thursday 12 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

Great, with 13 people, signups are now closed.
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 12 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

Is good to see people signed up who haven't been here for a while. So this will be the team:

GaboonViper: Tank
Katelin: Tank
Claretta: leech
Uragon: fist podder
Kisshoten: Ranged DPS (main add duty and shooting out podder if needed)

Torniquet: Melee DPS
Riora: buff DPS
Kaitlina: buff DPS
MissShadow: buff DPS
Mimmsy: short fuse DPS

Cleia wrote:I'll can be there. If possible, send me an in game mail if you need me or not. Thanks.
May be difficult since I won't know until people don't show up ten minutes beforehand. However, hopefully everyone listed will show up.
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 12 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Eoligos »

Uhm, does that mean I can go at the movies instead? O_o
We must plan for Tokyo. We must counter the enemy, for the enemy is showing its many faces. The game is most definitely afoot.
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 12 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

Yes, though you only get attendance points to spend on loot in future runs if you're online at raid start time.
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 12 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Katelin »

Great that Gaboon will be getting a chance to have a go at the tanking :) Its definitely a good thing when we can have more people know the roles.

@Gaboon - I will look out for you hopefully before Thursday so we can have a chance to compair our builds and see where we can make them "similar". This was really helpful with Cleia, Kait and Kadyn -- so I think we should do the same and optimise our success chances!!
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 12 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

And just to clarify, contrary to last week's plan, Gaboon will be the tank from start to finish. The rest of the team is good enough to allow us to do that as the only real trouble we may have is a couple of newbie tank mistakes. So yes, spend some time preparing beforehand.
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 12 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

Speaking of tank setups, could I request both tanks take Art of War?

I know some of our tanks have been doing so, but I'd really like to make sure both tanks have it, especially with a new tank putting together a raid tanking build for the first time. Good to learn good habits early. ;)
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 12 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

Something else worth considering would be a blade/shotgun tank setup perhaps. Would at least like to try it sometime to get some buffs into that group. Also defensive turret tanks are very sturdy against Whisper of Darkness, so it makes healing easy.

Blade Torrent
Blade consumer
Defensive Turret
Mass provoke
Breaching Shot
Art of War
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