Raid Thursday 19 September 19:00 GMT

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Re: Raid Thursday 19 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Kisshoten »

signing up
Posts: 53
Joined: Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:16 am

Re: Raid Thursday 19 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Kaitlina »

I should be able to make it.
Posts: 820
Joined: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:44 am

Re: Raid Thursday 19 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

Since I lack patience am going to go ahead and name the team now instead of waiting for the 13th player to limp in.

Tank group

GaboonViper - Tank
Kadyn - Tank
Claretta - leech
Kaitlina - leech + main add control duty
Eoligos - podder

DPS group

Torniquet - melee DPS
Riora - buff DPS
Kisshoten - buff DPS
MissShadow - buff DPS
Mimmsy - Short Fuse DPS


Posts: 35
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Re: Raid Thursday 19 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Eoligos »

I am sorry but I have to call myself out :/
I got some stuff to do at work and I may not be able to get home soon enough :/
We must plan for Tokyo. We must counter the enemy, for the enemy is showing its many faces. The game is most definitely afoot.
Graviora manent.
R. Sonnac
Posts: 820
Joined: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:44 am

Re: Raid Thursday 19 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

Thanks for letting us know in advance. Uragon will take your place.
Posts: 30
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Location: Tranås, Sweden

Re: Raid Thursday 19 September 19:00 GMT

Post by mimmsy »

Sorry for a late cancellation, but I am I wont make it in time tonite. Still moving boxes and stuff with my girlfriend, moving in with me. Hopefully there are reserves to take my spot :)
Posts: 820
Joined: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:44 am

Re: Raid Thursday 19 September 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

GaboonViper - Tank
Katelin - Tank
Claretta - leech
Kaitlina - leech + main add control duty
Uragon - podder leech

DPS group

Torniquet - melee DPS
Riora - buff DPS
Kisshoten - buff DPS
MissShadow - buff DPS
Kadyn - buff DPS
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