Raid Thursday 31 October 20:00 GMT

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Re: Raid Thursday 31 October 20:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

We have the core 6 players that always sign up, and which most roles are filled out. However, I don't want to run raids if people are just not interested. So if no more people sign up before the raid tonight, I'll have to postpone this till Sunday and carry of these signups to then.
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Re: Raid Thursday 31 October 20:00 GMT

Post by maitenieks »

I am interested, but I feel quite undergeared for NY raid with my QL10 mostly blue gear. If you are willing to take me, I could try to help you out.
"There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be. And then you accept it. Or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking in mirrors."(Tennessee Williams)
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Re: Raid Thursday 31 October 20:00 GMT

Post by Sh3 »

I'm very interested in joining NY raids to learn and master them but week days it's impossible for me to be in front of the pc before 21 or 21:30 pm.
If it's postponing to Sunday count me in!
I'm allways up for raiding anything with cabal on weekends :)
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Re: Raid Thursday 31 October 20:00 GMT

Post by Telluride »

Think about the Trick or Treaters! :cry:
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Re: Raid Thursday 31 October 20:00 GMT

Post by Naite »

I'll sign up for Sunday :-) No night classes to teach then.
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Re: Raid Thursday 31 October 20:00 GMT

Post by Kisshoten »

Sign ups are open for raid coming Sunday.
Everyone needs to sign up again.