Raid Sunday 3 November 19:00 GMT

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Re: Raid Sunday 3 November 19:00 GMT

Post by Uragon »

Customer support for a dead residential land line on a Sunday? If it's anything like around here, good luck with that. :D
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Re: Raid Sunday 3 November 19:00 GMT

Post by Naite »

Fixed by 10 o'clock :-)
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Re: Raid Sunday 3 November 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

Well, thanks for coming everyone. :) But at this point my feeling is to cancel raiding for now and take a break for a bit.

We've been wiping for weeks - haven't got it down in a while, and I don't know how to improve things. We've lost people due to the wipes who don't sign up anymore too, so the team is constantly getting less experienced. This is the main problem.

Maybe just wait until people have more gear and/or augments and try again in a few weeks. Until then, though, I'm not confident that just bashing heads against walls is the way to have fun.
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Re: Raid Sunday 3 November 19:00 GMT

Post by Uragon »

That very much depends on what this break is going to achieve. If it is to reduce fatigue or annoyance, it might work. But if inexperience is the problem as you're hinting at, then this will just make it worse.
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Re: Raid Sunday 3 November 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

Yeah, good point.

I'm just frustrated. :)

Maybe keep going, but limit runs to 30 minutes each.
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Re: Raid Sunday 3 November 19:00 GMT

Post by Sh3 »

Plz keep going :)
This was my second try and i know that at least for Fuglie was his first... so yeah we lack experience but honestly, from my first raid to this one i feel like i did way better and i'm feeling more confident learning what to do.
So now i know what happens and when, and i improved what i should do (like kill the pod, when and where adds come, when to cast buffs,...)
Please give us a chance to improve :) even if we stop in 30 mins it's better to keep practicing than to give up :)
Pretty pink plz?
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Re: Raid Sunday 3 November 19:00 GMT

Post by Naite »

I'm up for trying more, my PC seems to be working better now, still not sure what was up with it though...
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Re: Raid Sunday 3 November 19:00 GMT

Post by Uragon »

The frustration is perfectly understandable. Yesterday by the time we had a reliably working aggro swap mechanism and saw the lurker's final move again, the raid had lost concentration.

The time limit is a very valid idea, in fact I was surprised that yesterday's raid went on for as long as it did, given that we had a similar conclusion from the event before to limit it to 45 minutes. We just need the discipline to actually do that.
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Re: Raid Sunday 3 November 19:00 GMT

Post by Katelin »

Happy to limit the time we try for each run - but definitely want to keep scheduling the raid :)

We have a huge roster right now, I cannot believe that there aren't people interested in signing up. Perhaps I need to help advertise it a bit more to drum up some interest!

If Shedevil and Fuglie were so new to trying this - thats now two more people who are starting to learn the tactics and bolster our numbers. Fuglie is also a competent tank for NMs, so he should definitely get trained up for tanking in here too in the future!!

We can do this, and I want us to do it :)
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
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