Monday's Fight Night (in the US)... call to PvP

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Monday's Fight Night (in the US)... call to PvP

Post by Volen »

We need someone to help defend the honor of The Nine Swords... Monday's (US time).
There is one spot open in Alpha Squad - any end-gamer (basically, if you're in QL10s and open to suggestions), from any division is welcome on the team.

If you think you'd be able to fill the spot, or would just like to be an regular 'alt' in Alpha Squad- please post here:

As a matter of fact, Misericorde Division (PvP) is always recruiting - we'd love to have you even if Monday's aren't a good time for you. PM me if you're interested in a position in Misericorde.

Take care! Volen
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Re: Monday's Fight Night (in the US)... call to PvP

Post by kithsana »

Gratuitous kitty meme :D

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