Raid Sunday 22 December 19:00 GMT

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Re: Raid Sunday 22 December 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

It messes with the order points are given out - whether you get 1 point or 2.
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Re: Raid Sunday 22 December 19:00 GMT

Post by Vikestart »

Claretta wrote:It messes with the order points are given out - whether you get 1 point or 2.
Why would it? You would still award 1 point for all raid participations that come within the 5 days of the previous 2-point one. Additionally, you could set a maximum of either 2 raid participations or 3 points per week (within 7 days for example).
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Re: Raid Sunday 22 December 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

Well, let's hold off talking about such things in this thread. Best to talk about them on their own.
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Re: Raid Sunday 22 December 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

So, taking into account what we need to complete the raid and who's come along and whatnot, here will be the team:

Vendraen - Tank
Claretta - leech
Ciritty - DPS
Riora - DPS
Kisshoten - Ranged DPS

Katelin - Tank
Durendal - Podder
Abelour - DPS
Syrithia - DPS
Kadyn - DPS/reserve tank


As part of continuing efforts to train new tanks for the raids, this will be Vendraen's first time tanking. It'll also be Abelour's first time DPSing. The other selections are chosen to balance out the raid with experience to ensure reasons for wipes will remain focused on things we can instruct on.
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Re: Raid Sunday 22 December 19:00 GMT

Post by Vendraen »

Awesome. :) Who should I get with to learn the method used for tanking in the cabal? (There are a few!)
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Re: Raid Sunday 22 December 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

You can talk to Katelin.
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Re: Raid Sunday 22 December 19:00 GMT

Post by Vendraen »

Excellent - thanks!
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Re: Raid Sunday 22 December 19:00 GMT

Post by Katelin »

Very big overview sent ;)
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
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Re: Raid Sunday 22 December 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

We now have 5 people who can reliably tank the raid, which is good - half the entire raid today.

I'd like to start working on DPS tactics again.

I am going to actually suggest something odd, and stick the two tanks in a group with no healers. Durendal will come into the group with the four highest DPSers (Ciritty, Riora, Kadyn, and me) buff us with short fuse, and help keep equilibrium buffs on the DPS. Tanks will stay double melee in the other group, who won't need short fuse.

Healers will need to do a lot of mouse clicking to switch between tanks, and should avoid "team AoE" heals, but I think with practice it will work to give higher DPS.
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Re: Raid Sunday 22 December 19:00 GMT

Post by Aberlour »

Claretta wrote:Healers will need to do a lot of mouse clicking to switch between tanks, and should avoid "team AoE" heals, but I think with practice it will work to give higher DPS.
If you have Five Alive installed, you can edit bindings to not have to click in a raid too. Though I find clicking to be easier than hitting shift + F key if I'm on the move.
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