EU Raid Sunday 5 January 19:00 GMT

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Re: EU Raid Sunday 5 January 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »


So sorry. I didn't see Aberlour's signup 3 minutes before Elil's...

I have to replace Elil with Aberlour. If Elil signs up Thursday though I will make sure she gets in.
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Re: EU Raid Sunday 5 January 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

Sorry for the delay in team posting. Reinstalled windows and TSW onto an SSD, so had to get round to this.

Claretta - leech
Torniquet - DPS
Riora - DPS
Katelin - Tank
Kadyn - Tank

Uragon - healer
Kisshoten - ranged DPS
Luckystrike - DPS
Zyso - DPS
Aberlour - DPS

Reserves - Vendraen, Syrithia, Shedevil
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Re: EU Raid Sunday 5 January 19:00 GMT

Post by Sh3 »

I see you made up your mind on the upgrades!
Hope you can see improvements on the raid :)
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Re: EU Raid Sunday 5 January 19:00 GMT

Post by Kisshoten »

First time we downed it on the first try!
Well done everyone.
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Re: EU Raid Sunday 5 January 19:00 GMT

Post by Uragon »

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Re: EU Raid Sunday 5 January 19:00 GMT

Post by Zyso »

Thanks, Uragon. Rather surreal watching yourself from another person's perspective. What a noob!
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Re: EU Raid Sunday 5 January 19:00 GMT

Post by Torniquet »

Zyso wrote:Thanks, Uragon. Rather surreal watching yourself from another person's perspective. What a noob!
hehe the bug that got me killed looks different as well, on my screen i was still trying to move and use abilities.. but on others i was lying down stuck on the ground :p
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