NA Raid Wednesday 22 January 18:00 PST

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Re: NA Raid Wednesday 22 January 18:00 PST

Post by Xanax200mg »

I'm in too!
Single target dps with buffs
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Re: NA Raid Wednesday 22 January 18:00 PST

Post by Xanax200mg »

sorry, please cancel my application... I thought I am off work the next day, but something came up.
Next time! ^^
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Re: NA Raid Wednesday 22 January 18:00 PST

Post by Oimarak Soul »

DPS > single target. I have only been once.

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Re: NA Raid Wednesday 22 January 18:00 PST

Post by Volen »

Oim can take my place if we're full.
I' may need a nap after the long hike I have planned tomorrow!!
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Re: NA Raid Wednesday 22 January 18:00 PST

Post by Aberlour »

OK, looking at the list, here will be the teams tomorrow:

Tank Group:
Esthyr (Tank)
Samcon (Tank)
Berch (Healer/Podder)
Brock (Leecher/Backup Podder)
Kithsansa (Buff DPS)

DPS Group:
Aberlour (Ranged DPS)
Deerhound (DPS)
Oim (DPS)
PuzzyCat (Buff DPS)
AnnieD (DPS)

Just a reminder:
DPS = Single-target DPS and focuses on the boss. Bring an AoE attack if you have the room for Phase 2 adds.
BuffDPS = ST DPS running BS/DA (But not the cooldown reducing passives)
Ranged DPS = Responsible for the adds on phase 3 so the rest of the DPS can focus on the boss

Also a couple things I noticed on the last run:
Buff DPS and Melee DPS should avoid putting the filth on the AR/Blood/Ele DPS buff circle in phase 3. So if you get filthed, run it backwards, not to the side. You can use the rubble to avoid getting knocked back during Shadow out of Time and keep attacking the boss.

During Phase 1, all DPS should bunch up on the grate by the boss to avoid getting accidentally podded. Being that close also reduces (or even stops, I think) your chance of being filthed on first part of the fight.

Also, if you can, showing up 5-10 minutes early lets us clear the trash on the way to the boss sooner and gives us more time before people have to log off. I know this may be hard (I only get home from work 15-20 minutes before we raid), but just letting anyone who can log in a bit early know we can use that time productively.

We'll start rotating in other healers, or training people on other roles once we can down it on a regular basis. I think we can do it this time, we got so close the last time.
Last edited by Aberlour on Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: NA Raid Wednesday 22 January 18:00 PST

Post by Deerhound »

I have only one suggestion: I noticed during out last attempt that we didn't get the DABS buffs after we'd finished the drakes and gone back to the Lurker. Therefore, I think we should have a reserve buff DPS, someone who can bring those buffs if the original person buys it sometime during the fight.
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Re: NA Raid Wednesday 22 January 18:00 PST

Post by Aberlour »

Deerhound wrote:I have only one suggestion: I noticed during out last attempt that we didn't get the DABS buffs after we'd finished the drakes and gone back to the Lurker. Therefore, I think we should have a reserve buff DPS, someone who can bring those buffs if the original person buys it sometime during the fight.
That's because the buffs are saved for Last Resort to help with the burn. We only hit that phase once. We should't be on phase 3 for 90 seconds, about 60 with our DPS, so they have to be saved.
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Re: NA Raid Wednesday 22 January 18:00 PST

Post by Claretta »

In last Thursday's EU 5:30 raid, phase 3 lasted 80 seconds.

60 seconds should only be banked on if you're confident of completing the raid from pull to kill in under 5 minutes. But that's hard without buffs, since the easiest way to get under 5 minutes is to do so much DPS that you skip final resort entirely. If you do hit final resort, you've probably not satisfied the condition for under 5 minutes in the first place, and you'll have a 90 second phase 3.

So in general, I recommend against saving buffs - use them instead as soon as the buff circles go up and people are guaranteed of having all cooldowns available. From there, your fight will either go so fast you don't hit final resort, or slow enough that phase 3 will last 90 seconds giving you a second chance to use buffs in final resort.
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Re: NA Raid Wednesday 22 January 18:00 PST

Post by Aberlour »

Claretta wrote:In last Thursday's EU 5:30 raid, phase 3 lasted 80 seconds.

60 seconds should only be banked on if you're confident of completing the raid from pull to kill in under 5 minutes. But that's hard without buffs, since the easiest way to get under 5 minutes is to do so much DPS that you skip final resort entirely. If you do hit final resort, you've probably not satisfied the condition for under 5 minutes in the first place, and you'll have a 90 second phase 3.

So in general, I recommend against saving buffs - use them instead as soon as the buff circles go up and people are guaranteed of having all cooldowns available. From there, your fight will either go so fast you don't hit final resort, or slow enough that phase 3 will last 90 seconds giving you a second chance to use buffs in final resort.
OK, then I'll make sure we do that.

When we hit Final Resort last time, I only had to stop two adds phases and I thought they came every 30 seconds, so I figured assuming people didn't get filthed to death on Phase 3 we could do it under 90 seconds. But I didn't think about the fact the adds don't come at the start, so we probably were closer to 90 seconds then 60 on that fight.
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Re: NA Raid Wednesday 22 January 18:00 PST

Post by Claretta »

Adds come between 45 seconds and a minute apart. ;)
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