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Re: Random Thread

Post by Nexa »

Every now and then I try to log in here as username axen. I try this repeatedly and start swearing at my keyboard before I realize what the problem is.
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Re: Random Thread

Post by Ned888 »

Don't worry about it Axen. Everyone has those kind of days....

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Re: Random Thread

Post by Kotts »

I remember several years ago someone on the RP server Percival (DAoC) petitioned my name because "It was too close to 'Knotts Berry Farm', and didn't belong on an RP server" ...

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Re: Random Thread

Post by Ned888 »

Why do they do that? Don't they realize that everything is named after something and usually someone? Those arbitrary rules really chap my bottom!
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Re: Random Thread

Post by Kotts »

Just someone being a grump. To their defense there were some really bad names on the server, and 'Kotts' is not really a solid name for a celt mystic in the dark ages. Still, it was too much of a streatch. At the end of the day I just chalk it up to someone having a bad day/week/month, and lashing out to ruin someone elses. It was a control thing.

Thankfuly the GM that got the petition shot it down, and I didn't end up with a name like Fargousiuiusimsh, or McEllen that can't be changed.

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Re: Random Thread

Post by Kleopas »

Yea I hate those people on games who cry cheat or swear at everyone else if they get killed or outplayed.
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Re: Random Thread

Post by Debora »

You know wat Kots means in dutch? its a very dirty word for vomit.

Kotsen is something you do when you are very drunk.

I had a friend named extece on WOW, he had to change his name because someone related it to a drug. But extacy is extacy and not XTC.
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Re: Random Thread

Post by Kotts »

A player on AO (thedevil) actually enlightened me about that about a year ago... I didn't realize it had a negative connotation to it, however. I always figured the guy was just busting my balls.

If it is really that offensive then I'll change it. I was considering doing so for a while since it gets stolen pretty often. Maybe it is time to retire it. :P

Now I get the giggles when I think of people taking it, and its actually a disgusting word, hah!

... it does explain why I was never popular with the dutch crowd in AO...
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Re: Random Thread

Post by Debora »

Dont change it on my behalf, i can have a dirty mouth myself.
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Re: Random Thread

Post by Uragon »

The same word exists in German, though it doesn't really carry a "dirty" connotation, just a colloquial word for puke/-ing really. So well, apart from having a name that's roughly related to unpleasant bodily fluids (of sorts), I wouldn't have a problem with it. And well, given how many languages are out there then most words will have some random rude meaning in an obscure language you didn't think of.
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