NY Raid Thursday 19 March 2015 19:50 GMT

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Re: NY Raid Thursday 19 March 2015 19:50 GMT

Post by Aberlour »

Because it does nothing you can't do just walking and dodging? And it doesn't help with adds or by debuffing the boss? I mean, dragon's breath is not great either, nor really any aux other than the whip, because they're not buffed by the circles so really, people can run the bracer for all I care.
Rick Fortune
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 19 March 2015 19:50 GMT

Post by Rick Fortune »

I'm not going to comment any further on this other than to say I seriously disagree with you. Still it seems we have a case of Immovable Object versus Irresistible Force here, so no point spamming this old sign up thread any further.
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 19 March 2015 19:50 GMT

Post by Kisshoten »

To each his own choice.
When I do adds I'll take a FT, when I play PS/SG I take a whip...when I leech I take the RL and when I tank or healpod too...
When leeching RJ is handy when I need to keep shooting the lurker when phase 1 ends and tank has high stacks. Don't want to get stuck in filth that can possible kill me (insurance policy) or in phase 3 and I get targeted for filth but around the buff circle it's already full of filth puddles, I can RJ over it or get back to the buff circle faster.

So what you use or prefer is up to your role and/or play style...whatever works best for you.
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