Facility NM (MP): Sat 04 Apr 1900 GMT

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Re: Facility NM (MP): Sat 14 Mar 1900 GMT

Post by BrokenPieces »

I won't be there. Got unexpected stuff this weekend. Good luck!
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Re: Facility NM (MP): Sat 14 Mar 1900 GMT

Post by Aberlour »

Katelin wrote:
Yuriksha wrote:Well, since I organised this thing and intend for it to be the last I do for a long while, I'll pull out of raid. It is my honor and duty as a Zweihänder to help see this through.
You dont have to do that :) Yuri!! Really, you don't :) and why do you intend it to be the last thing you do for a long while?
I think Yuri means the last Fac MP. Not the last thing.
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Re: Facility NM (MP): Sat 14 Mar 1900 GMT

Post by Yuriksha »

So, to recap:

BrokenPieces is out.
Vikestart can only be around one hour if we start at 1900.
Katelin and Durendal have trouble starting before 1900.

Should we call a three-week postponement and put me back in the raid?

PS. I'm just saying I'm a bit fatigued of dungeon organizing and would be taking a break from that specific activity for awhile, not leaving the game. You know I've got other stuff I'm doing, game-related.

Edit: struck the word 'two' in favor of 'three' because two weeks puts it up against raid again.
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Re: Facility NM (MP): Sat 14 Mar 1900 GMT

Post by Katelin »

If you would like to raid, go ahead :) we can always do this another time - I am not in a rush. I am sorry you feel fatigued from it, though can entirely understand. Happens to me too sometimes and I just have to walk away from something for a little while *hugs*
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Re: Facility NM (MP): Sat 04 Apr 1900 GMT

Post by Vikestart »

So is this on or not? Need confirmation :P
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Re: Facility NM (MP): Sat 04 Apr 1900 GMT

Post by Katelin »

Assuming not :) we will schedule again for another time (maybe in two weeks like Yuri suggested :) )
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
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Re: Facility NM (MP): Sat 04 Apr 1900 GMT

Post by Yuriksha »

This is *not on* for today. I currently have the calendar item set for three weeks from now. I have that Friday off so we could do April 3rd instead of April 4th.
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Re: Facility NM (MP): Sat 04 Apr 1900 GMT

Post by Gotica »

:mrgreen: I'm in :mrgreen:

to see if someday encourage me, and prepare some event to MPs, the problem is that only play as dps ... may need to be any role to have it easier :evil:
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Re: Facility NM (MP): Sat 04 Apr 1900 GMT

Post by Chaosetor »

Bumping this up so that those who have signed remember that this takes place this weekend :) Furthermore, remember to take daylight savings into account (this is scheduled in GMT, not BST). I'm on reserves, but can do any role so let me know if I am needed :) but good luck, and I hope you get your MPs :D
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Re: Facility NM (MP): Sat 04 Apr 1900 GMT

Post by Blueplain »

reserve please DPS
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