The Anti-Oxi-Dance

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The Anti-Oxi-Dance

Post by ArcyCiern »

Hi, Swords.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if we took two feisty Templar girls and sent them on a mission?
Well, I hadn't until some time ago but then I did and here's what I'v come up with.

A special caveat concerning the last two paragraphs - if the Swords portrayed there have anything against what's written there, please let me know and I will change it. I do hope, however, that you will like it and treat as just fiction aimed at providing entertainment.

The Anti-Oxi-Dance

Adventures of the Antilicious and Oxiting Duo

The last rays of the setting sun were falling on the russet coronas of the park as she leisurely walked down the alley leading to the rendezvous spot. Her high heels clicked at regular intervals, her elegant black business suit emphasised her graceful femininity. She may have been the image of pristine formality but that did not make her even slightly less alluring. Playful sparks in her eyes made it clear that she could turn into a seductive she-devil in a blink of her long-lashed eyes. Carefully done make-up and expertly chosen pieces of jewellery added to her subtle charm. She was a proper lady. One that could kiss you or kill you and possibly do both simultaneously.

Every now and then she readjusted her sunglasses and cast swift surreptitious glances at her surroundings from under her wide-brimmed hat. So far she hadn’t met anybody. That was fortunate. The fewer meddling stares the better. She was used to drawing attention and she usually enjoyed – what woman didn’t? – but now she wanted to remain as inconspicuous as she could.

As she approached her destination she saw that some-one was waiting for her. A snow-white smile greeted her arrival. “Hi, Anta” the owner of the brilliant grin greeted her cheerfully. She was sporting an ensemble of casual but tastefully picked garments. A white woollen cap lent her girlish playfulness that deliciously counterpointed her friend’s calm mature dignity. They were two sides of the same coin; opposites that complemented each other perfectly.

Antanahe raised the corners of her lips in a sparing smile and asked “Is everything ready, Oxi?” “Yup” the answer was just one perky syllable. Oxara turned around and briskly marched along a path that disappeared among the trees. The lady in black followed her at her own pace. There was no need to hurry and besides she was definitely not going to risk here favourite stilettoes on the sward.

After a few dozen steps the path led her to a small clearing with an unremarkably looking shed standing against the tree line. Oxara produced a key from her pocket and they entered. The twilight was already fading but they didn’t turn on the lighting. They were well acquainted with the dark. Most people saw only with their eyes and were helpless when deprived of light. But they were not most people.

“Have you been able to monitor their communications?” said Anta coming up to a table that took up half of the shed's interior. Two large black canvas bags waited there. She drew the one with a small letter “A” embroidered on it closer and opened it. A quick survey of its contents left her satisfied that nothing was missing.

“Well, they did use some fancy encryptions but nothing your truly couldn't deal with” a modest smile appeared on Oxara's lips as she unpacked her bag. Both women changed into their field uniforms quickly, their own clothes replaced with standard Nine Swords covert ops attires – black suits designed to provide the protection and freedom of movement needed in the field. “Don't forget the bling” said Oxi taking off her pendant. Anta followed. They were both wearing small Templar crosses fashioned out of white gold. They received them after their initiation into the cabal and had treasured them ever since. These small simple objects reminded them of their purpose. They were part of something bigger than themselves and what they did mattered. Thanks to the cabal they were making a difference. And after you swallow a bee you can clearly see that the world needed some difference. Badly.

Oxara finished first. She was not as particular about the way she discarded her everyday clothes as her companion. Antanahe folded each garment carefully and placed it inside the bag, all of her jewellery went into a small satin purse, also placed in the bag. While she was attending to that, Oxi stretched and did some splits to make sure the uniform didn't restrict any of her moves.

Both women were armed identically: a pistol in a holster on each thigh and a sword hung behind their back, so it wouldn't hinder their movements. They were prepared for close combat. According to the information they had received for the Arming Sword division, their destination didn't offer many open spaces.

"Ready?" asked Anta. "Yeah. I've got a few things to tell you, but I can fill you in on the way" said Oxi putting on a mask and thus covering her body in a complete veil of blackness. Even her eyes were shaded with dark matte lenses. The guys from the Pen division explained to her how it is possible for them to enhance her night vision but she couldn't remember that know. They worked and gave her an advantage over her human opponents. That was all that mattered.

They went outside and locked the door. A few seconds of focusing on their surroundings ensure them they were still alone. Two short nods and they were off into the night.

They had to cover a large distance. It was a choice born out of caution – they couldn't allow the knowledge of the cabal's involvement leave the ranks of Nine Swords. Being drawn into a lengthy and an ultimately pointless Council investigation was the last thing they needed. The time and resources the cabal would have to employ to resolve it were of little importance in comparison to the bigger picture this operation was a part of. One of many threads composing an intricate and sinister tapestry.

The park was located at the city's outskirts and they had to traverse a few dozen kilometres of countryside to reach a lonely warehouse. “Alright, Oxi” said Anta over the short-range com system included in their masks “Any new info on the transaction? Do we know who's the buyer?".

"Yes and no" responded Oxara minding her step as they emerged from the park and ran down a pebbly slope "I did get a name: Gabriel Rosenkreutz." "Doesn't sound familiar" her friend remarked. "Yeah, that's the "no" part. I sent it home for processing but haven't had any response yet. Anyway, it doesn't change anything. I really doubt this Rosenkreutz guy will be dealing with the Phoenicians directly."

They ran between some houses but they were few and far away from one another. The new moon allowed them to pass without the risk of being notice by anyone but they dived into a small drainage ditch as soon as they saw it. It was almost dry and the additional cover it provided couldn't hurt. After all, there were things that didn't require light in order to see.

"Is there any chance they might know we're coming?" asked Anta "After all, the grimoire's theft was in all the news". "For a day" snorted Oxara "If it were some dumb celebrity showing their dumbness in a dumb way then we might be concerned. But not with this". "That's an awful lot of "dumb" in one sentence" her companion smiled under her mask. "Well, we live in a dumb world. Most of the people who heard about the theft probably didn't even know how to spell "grimoire". Or what it was." Another derisive snort. "Don't worry, Anta. There will be no innocent bystanders. And they had no way of detecting my nosing around so there shouldn't be too many of them to deal with".

"Just remember - retrieving the book is our priority but we have to gather intelligence as well if the opportunity presents itself" said Anta as she observed Oxara using a protruding rock to jump up and somersault before continuing onwards. "What are you implying, Antanahe?" asked the acrobat with overemphasised sweetness in her voice. "That you don't go in guns blazing the moment we confirm the book's there." answered Anta and did a double somersault overtaking her friend and accelerating. "Nice one" grinned Oxi under the material. The shine of her smile almost visible in the gloom. "And you don't have to worry! First we'll eavesdrop and then... It's time to oxidise!".

Anta rolled her eyes "That's the lamest one-liner I've ever heard. Plus, we're not some action heroines, you". "Maybe you're not!" Oxara jump high into the air with one arm outstretched, her fist clenched. "I'm gonna save the day before this episode ends and the viewers will see that I'm the protagonist and you're just the sidekick!".

"Go on like that and you'll get the sidekick!" snapped Anta but she wasn't irritated. She liked their banter and inconsequential quarrels. She considered Oxi more than a friend or a fellow Templar. Although Oxara entered the secret world more recently than Antanahe had, she quickly proved her value and it didn't take long for Anta to realise that there's a special bond between herself and this slightly skittish girl. They were like sisters and sisters have to bicker every once in awhile. It was a welcome distraction from their usual struggle. Being a Templar could be glorious. But it usually meant hard work and witnessing things that shouldn't be witnessed if one hoped to sleep calmly at night. And Anta had many sleepless nights. Usually because that's when the hard work was done. And because sometimes it was better not to dream.

At last they saw the warehouse, a remnant of some kind of processing plant, now closed for over a decade, most of its equipment cannibalised and taken away. A quick sweep of the area showed two cars parked some distance from the building. Each guarded by a bored man with no visible weapons on them. The Pen division's gadgets allowed Anta and Oxi to see the men clearly. Their opponents were at a disadvantage.

"Shouldn't pose a problem" remarked Oxara. "A few swift yet careful steps, some serpentine slithering and then a quick slit." she depicted her plan with a series of hand gestures. "I've always preferred a crunch myself" responded Anta "But de gustibus non disputandum est".

"Yeah, yeah... No gusty disputes and all that. We clear?" Oxara's slightly impudent comment on Anta's attempt to bring a touch of refinement into the situation failed to elicit any emotional response. Anta was not one to be angered by minor things. She took one last quick survey of the area in front of them.

"Clear" she said and at that moment Oxara shot out towards her target. Antanahe followed her, as soundless as her companion.

It didn't take them long to shorten the distance between themselves and their targets. The guards, oblivious to the incoming assailants, started chatting. It seemed that even in the world of unscrupulous and rapacious artefact dealers there was still room for a simple human connection. Even if it lasted for only a few seconds.

Anta and Oxi appeared behind their respective targets almost simultaneously. A slit and a crunch ended the conversation. Pity, they might have become friends.

A quick search revealed nothing of consequence in the cars nor on the bodies. "I thought the grimoire was a big deal. But this trade-off doesn't seem to have been prepared by professionals." Oxara's surprise was genuine. "The Phoenicians' capability for incompetence will never cease to amaze me." "In that case. go talk to Mellified when we've returned - she'll have a lot to amaze you with" Anta paused and scanned the warehouse gate. It was closed but she noticed a ladder leading to the roof right on the far right.

"Oxi, you climb onto the roof and find a skylight to get in" she pointed at the ladder. Oxara nodded in agreement. "I will look for another way in. There should be another entrance. Let me know when you're in position".

Oxi nodded and carefully moved toward the building. Anta did the same but she chose a different path, one that followed and arc ending at the left corner of the warehouse. When she reached it she started moving quickly along its side and quickly encountered a door. It wasn't locked. Anta unsheathed her sword and quietly crept inside.

Old industrial shelving filled the interior, most of it filled with crates covered in dust and cobwebs. Bright light emanated from somewhere farther inside and she could hear voices coming from the same direction.

"I see them" she heard in her earpiece as she was advancing towards the source of light and sound. "There are six of them here, three of them Phoenicians" Oxi paused for a moment. "And nobody else in the vicinity". "That makes sense" whispered Anta, the fabric of her mask successfully muffling the sound to any potential eavesdropper. "With one car for each group travelling with more people would be troublesome. And why do it if you're not anticipating any problems? Describe them to me." Anta silently replaced her sword with the pistols.

"The Phoenicians seem your run-of-the-mill purple grunts. shouldn't pose much threat" Oxa looked more closely at the members of the other group. She had her guns at the ready. She was the kind of girl who liked to be prepared for anything. "The buyers have an odd one." she stopped for a moment and listened. "He looks more like a scholar than a fighter. And he's got a German accent. You think that's Rosenkreutz, Anta?"

"I doubt it" she responded. She finally saw them. A few torches shone brightly, effectively blinding partakers of the transaction. "This is too easy" she thought and then whispered to her companion "But we can't be sure. Let's take him alive." "Gotcha, the Paris manoeuvre?" asked Oxara. "I'll give you the signal" confirmed Anta.

Oxara watched the sphere of light below her carefully as Anta took her position. The man with the German accent below was examining the grimoire and shouting out in exultation every few seconds. "Der is no doubt about it! Zat is ze genuine article!" he looked at his companions searching for excitement but found only cold indifference. He ignored them and went on squawking in elation. "Ze real "Canis Sanguinis"! I have no verds to describe it! I have no verds!"

"Are you kidding me?" Anta thought to herself as she come close enough to distinguish what was being said. She positioned herself so that she could see the whole scene but not be blinded by the lights. She looked up and saw Oxara perched on the top of one of the shelves.

"Ready..." started Anta. "Set..." followed Oxara. "Go!" they spoke at the same time. Anta dashed towards the men aiming at the academician's bodyguards who were facing her. She didn't have to worry about stealth anymore, besides the man's joyous exclamations masked her approached sufficiently. She aimed at the bodyguards' heads, waiting for the right moment.

Oxara jumped down from the edge aiming at a spot just in front of the shouting man, her arms outstretched as she planted two bullets in the cranium of the Phoenician who stood between his comrades. The impact threw him backwards. She rolled forwards as she hit the ground, just in time for Anta to jump over the slumping corpse of the first victim and her tumbling friend. She landed the moment Oxi stood up - four barrels aimed precisely. Their opponents reached for their weapons but it was far too late. Eight gunshots echoed as they left the circle of light and continued into the darkness.

The survivor was holding the tome tightly to his chest. When the silence fell again, he looked around in disbelief. "Who... who are you!?" he shriek. "Vat have you done!? Vat do you want!? I.. I.." he stuttered. "Yeah, I know" murmured Anta "You have no verds. Could you check the bodies?" she asked Oxi. Her companion nodded and quickly scanned the corpses with yet again of the Pen division's devices. "Clear. Nothing we should be worried about". Oxi holstered her pistols and positioned herself behind the stunned man.

"Alright Mr..." started Anta but she was interrupted by the man, who apparently valued his title more than it seemed prudent "Professor! Professor Kleiner!" he said defiantly. "Really?" Anta's grimace was invisible but her voice conveyed the message admirably. "Well then, professor Kleiner, I think you've got yourself involved with the wrong kind of people, but don't worry..." she took a step towards him, her face a few centimetres from his. The non-reflective lenses seemed to do the trick. He gulped nervously. "we are going to help you. All we need is a little cooperation, ja?" the sinister smile was audible in her voice. "J... Ja, natürlich" he muttered.

Anta took the volume from his hands. He didn't resist. She looked at Oxi "Keep the professor company while I make a call, would you?" she said and walked away from them.

"So..." professor Kleiner looked at the dark figure bemused "shall we... break the ice?" Oxara's answer was immediate. "No",

Certain that she could not be overheard, Anta took out her safe phone and dialled a number. "In crux veritas" she provided the password. "In gladius potestas" came the countersign in a male voice. "Chaos?" she was surprised "What are you doing on com duty?" she asked. "I was worried about you" he replied "I wanted to know if you're alright". "Oh, that's so sweet, baby" she didn't sound like the cold operative who had killed two men just a few moments ago "but I'm fine. We both are." "Have you got it?" was his next question. "Yes and it's exactly like the pictures the Arming Sword showed us: a sign of four claws on the front and a big dog's head on the back". "That's a wolf's head, Antie" he corrected her. "Chaos, do you want to sleep alone tonight?" she asked in a matter-of-fact tone. "I am going to sleep alone tonight" he said baffled. "You're not due back until tomorrow." "Oh, you know what I mean!" she said impatiently.

"Anyway, we're bringing some-one back" she told him looking back at Oxara and her prisoner. "A captive? A Phoenician?" he asked interested. "More of a consultant that may need some convincing" she answered "And no, he's not Phoenician. He seems much more interesting. But you'll just have to see him for yourself. I don't want to describe him over the phone. I have no verds" she smiled.
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Re: The Anti-Oxi-Dance

Post by Oxara »

I was longing forward to discover what this "Anti-Oxi-Dance" story of yours had in store for Anta and I, and I must say I'm not disappointed!
Except put me under pressure! From now on, I'll have to play a skittish and impudent child-like woman, whose one-liner is "It's time to oxidize"! I'm not sure I can be up to it :lol:!
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Re: The Anti-Oxi-Dance

Post by Antanahe »

Great story as always Arcy ! I really enjoyed reading that and look forward to reading the rest if there is one. It's nice to get a look into the lives of our toons and what they are doing when the players are not online to take them to dungeons, scenarios and signet bag missions, you know when they go fight the REAL evil of TSW. There is a lot of potential stories just waiting to be discovered where Niners can do what we do best, namely smitting evil and saving the world from the shadows.

Soooooo... have we found Dr Klein's twin brother ? His son ? His father ?? Damn it, now i'm curious ! Post the rest Arcy !

PS: I don't mind the fact that people are pairing my toon up with Chaos (but you'll need his IRL opinion on this), as long as everyone can make a difference between real life and in game .
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Re: The Anti-Oxi-Dance

Post by Floryn »

Antanahe wrote:Great story as always Arcy !
"...the prosaic materialism of the majority condemns as madness the flashes of super-sight which penetrate the common veil of obvious empiricism." - H.P. Lovecraft

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