Noob Dungeon Runs 28APR 11pmGMT

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Noob Dungeon Runs 28APR 11pmGMT

Post by Gebbeth »

I usually play M-Th evenings, central time.

I've only done Polaris. :oops:
I'm DPS with Blue/Purple gear and often team with a lower level Healer, Cisum (non-9S).

I got some 9S help doing Polaris, but I'm thinking we have some other new players, or at least new characters, that might want to schedule some runs?
Lets shoot for the first 3 dungeons, normal mode, on Tuesday 28th starting 6pm CDT, 11pm GMT?

Anyone willing to help is welcome, but hoping to find other new players to include!
“Doubt is uncomfortable, but certainty is ridiculous.” - Voltaire
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Re: Noob Dungeon Runs 28APR 11pmGMT

Post by sere »

im a new player, just a few days old. Would love to see more dungeons! I've seen 2 and they were really fun to get run through.
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Re: Noob Dungeon Runs 28APR 11pmGMT

Post by Gebbeth »

Sere, so are you in for Tuesday?
“Doubt is uncomfortable, but certainty is ridiculous.” - Voltaire
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Re: Noob Dungeon Runs 28APR 11pmGMT

Post by Zashchitnik »

I'm also DPS wearing a mix of QL7-8 greens/blues. Working in Egypt now. I would love to join you.
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Re: Noob Dungeon Runs 28APR 11pmGMT

Post by sere »

gonna try but I dont want to promise ill be there just in case something comes up at home. what time? i can be on anytime past 2pm PST if nothing comes up.
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Re: Noob Dungeon Runs 28APR 11pmGMT

Post by Gebbeth »

Sounds great - looks like we may have a group forming up - I'll invite you guys and we'll see what we can do - still planning 6pm Central time (4pm Pacific time).

1. SivaTomorrow
2. Cisum (non-9S)
3. Sere
4. Zashchitnik
“Doubt is uncomfortable, but certainty is ridiculous.” - Voltaire
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Re: Noob Dungeon Runs 28APR 11pmGMT

Post by Gebbeth »

Great fun - Thanks for the help all!
“Doubt is uncomfortable, but certainty is ridiculous.” - Voltaire
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Re: Noob Dungeon Runs 28APR 11pmGMT

Post by sere »

sorry ic ouldnt make it, i havent been on at all all week, lots of things going on in real life. trying to find time to play.
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Re: Noob Dungeon Runs 28APR 11pmGMT

Post by Gebbeth »

Missed you, but ran a full team and got all 3 done. :)
“Doubt is uncomfortable, but certainty is ridiculous.” - Voltaire
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Re: Noob Dungeon Runs 28APR 11pmGMT

Post by sere »

nice, maybe next time.
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