Normal Ankh, Hell Fallen 5 May 11pmGMT

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Normal Ankh, Hell Fallen 5 May 11pmGMT

Post by Gebbeth »

Another callout for interested new players/characters, and also for help from experienced players - we'll need guidance and help!

This time I'd like to try the (Normal) Ankh and Hell Fallen :D
Like to try another Tuesday evening Texas time - 11pm GMT, 6pm CDT, 4pm Pacific.

Looking for responses to this thread from experienced players on what would be a good mix of new and experienced players, and what gearing levels are needed. For example, I would expect a couple of experienced players would be needed for a successful run by a group of first-timers. I would expect that gearing would not be a huge concern as long as everyone was at least QL8-10?

I'm QL10 Blue/Purple DPS and have only been thru the first 3 dungeons.

Looking for sign-ups and any advice/opinions

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Rick Fortune
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Re: Normal Ankh, Hell Fallen 5 May 11pmGMT

Post by Rick Fortune »

For normals of the two Egypt dungeons? 8-10 would be fine gear wise.
New Name is 'Cholesterol' cause I keep giving people Cardiac Arrests.
Describing MissR's PvP modus operandi.

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Re: Normal Ankh, Hell Fallen 5 May 11pmGMT

Post by Gebbeth »

1. SilvaTomorrow
2. Zashchitnik
3. Cisum
4. Rippledrums
Last edited by Gebbeth on Tue May 05, 2015 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Normal Ankh, Hell Fallen 5 May 11pmGMT

Post by Gebbeth »

Anyone playing this time that can help the group?
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Re: Normal Ankh, Hell Fallen 5 May 11pmGMT

Post by rippledrums »

I can join!

Count me in!
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Re: Normal Ankh, Hell Fallen 5 May 11pmGMT

Post by Zashchitnik »

I'll be there!

Maybe I can try out some fist/blood heals? I haven't healed before in TSW, so it would be a trial by fire (Hell Fallen, get it? ok nvm LOL)
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Re: Normal Ankh, Hell Fallen 5 May 11pmGMT

Post by Gebbeth »

Great runs - got them both (Ankh & Hell Fallen) - thanks for all the help!
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Re: Normal Ankh, Hell Fallen 5 May 11pmGMT

Post by Katelin »

Did you take screen shots? :D
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
Rick Fortune
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Re: Normal Ankh, Hell Fallen 5 May 11pmGMT

Post by Rick Fortune »

First Commandment of 9S Dungeon Runs:

Thou Shalt Taketh Screenshots, Lest Thou Wish To Faceth The Wrath Of The Katelin.

New Name is 'Cholesterol' cause I keep giving people Cardiac Arrests.
Describing MissR's PvP modus operandi.

The two rules of 9S:
1) When in doubt, blame Endo.
2) If you cant blame Endo, blame Sonno.
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Re: Normal Ankh, Hell Fallen 5 May 11pmGMT

Post by Katelin »

Eventually it will be second nature :) I just love seeing the cabal in action and everyone having fun... while taking screenshots!
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
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