NY Raid Sunday 10th of May 17:50 GMT

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Re: NY Raid Sunday 10th of May 17:50 GMT

Post by Chaosetor »

SwordOfDoom wrote:Dps, Healer or Leech
Please state the name of the character you plan on bringing when you sign up in the future.

As for healing/leeching, please note that we have our healers pod (hence healpod) and I have not yet seen you heal the raid, thus I cannot be sure of whether you know how to healpod or not. If you do know how to healpod, please say so. If you do not know how to healpod, read up on the roles guide in the OP, ensure that you have the gear for it (you will need about 5-6k HP while also being able to heal) before you sign up.

Furthermore, I have never seen you leech either, thus I need to know whether you have leeched the raid before or not. If you have not then please read the OP guide, ensure that you have the gear for it (leeching is demanding) and ensure that you are leeching and not AR healing.

I am happy to let players try new roles, but I need to know your level of experience beforehand, also, having healed/leeched some dungeons before leeching/healing the raid is advantageous. Some does not mean one or two, the raid is quite demanding to heal, tank and leech, hence it should not be amongst the first things one tries to leech/heal/tank in the game, that being said, however, if someone really wants to give it a go it can be arranged (regardless of their level of experience), but I need to know these things beforehand so that I can adjust the teams accordingly :)

In advance, thank you
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Re: NY Raid Sunday 10th of May 17:50 GMT

Post by Dreadzilla »

DPS, Buffs
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Re: NY Raid Sunday 10th of May 17:50 GMT

Post by Regrette »

Regrette. Dps
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Re: NY Raid Sunday 10th of May 17:50 GMT

Post by fig »

Due to family obligations I need to withdraw my sign-up.
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Re: NY Raid Sunday 10th of May 17:50 GMT

Post by Chaosetor »

fig wrote:Due to family obligations I need to withdraw my sign-up.
No worries fig :)

Though if anyone has an alt, a main or anything in between that is able to leech, tank or healpod the raid, please do speak up :)
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Re: NY Raid Sunday 10th of May 17:50 GMT

Post by Shock G »

I'm available to leech if you need me.
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Re: NY Raid Sunday 10th of May 17:50 GMT

Post by Chaosetor »

The raid team

Group 1
1. Chaos (Tank)
2. Risuka (Tank)
3. Vujem (Healpod)
4. Shock (Leech)
5. Dreadzilla (Buffs)

Group 2
1. Floryn (Adds)
2. Regrette (DPS)
3. Hagne (DPS)
4. Directo (DPS)
5. Mellified (Buffs)

Reserves: Antanahe, Blueplain, Cold-Alex
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Re: NY Raid Sunday 10th of May 17:50 GMT

Post by cold-alex »

If its still time to sign as as reserve, i can, as DPS.
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