Abe does Tokyo

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Abe does Tokyo

Post by Aberlour »

OK, I need some Aegis XP, so I plan to make some cocktails, hop on mumble and run around Tokyo this Saturday for a couple hours if anyone would like to join. I likely will just be doing the story missions in order, but I am open to requests.
  1. Aberlour
  2. Yuriksha
  3. Sonno
  4. Trommari
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Re: Abe does Tokyo

Post by Antanahe »

Begin with the Tokyo Daily run, the containers can give decent aegis xp (better than mob grinding), and the run itself takes 45 minutes to 1 hour. I can run those with you if you don't know a route (in the quarter behind quarantine wall and docks). Maybe i'll join for the rest too if I can't find a group for dungeons or scenarios. Good luck with the grinding.
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Re: Abe does Tokyo

Post by Aberlour »

The dailies bore me to tears. As do most side missions. While I will likely grab some on my way, this is as much about fun as it is the grind.
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Re: Abe does Tokyo

Post by Yuriksha »

Sure, Abe, I'd love to. I've got four full controllers right now and it'll be nice to move one or two of them on. I know some of the instances can be buggy but with a group we still ought to be able to steamroll 'em faster. Sure made Confrontations a lot better.
Rick Fortune
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Re: Abe does Tokyo

Post by Rick Fortune »

Yeah I'm down. :)
New Name is 'Cholesterol' cause I keep giving people Cardiac Arrests.
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The two rules of 9S:
1) When in doubt, blame Endo.
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Re: Abe does Tokyo

Post by Yuriksha »

There is just a little problem. "Venice Sinking", "Back to the Beginning", "Right of Way", and "Love and Origami" will still have about four hours of cooldown left. "My Bloody Valentine" will have like a day and a half of cooldown left. I'll make sure the other main missions in the zone stay open.
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Re: Abe does Tokyo

Post by Dreadzilla »

I would love to do this, but I'm working this weekend, if we could do another next weekend I would be down for sure.
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Re: Abe does Tokyo

Post by Aberlour »

Yeah. I'm probably going to do this a couple weekends a month.
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Re: Abe does Tokyo

Post by Trommari »

ill come if there's still a spot open
Rick Fortune
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Re: Abe does Tokyo

Post by Rick Fortune »

And fun was indeed had.

MissR, Abe, Trommari and Yuri waltzed through Tokyo laying waste to the filth in a glorious swath of Templar carnage.
New Name is 'Cholesterol' cause I keep giving people Cardiac Arrests.
Describing MissR's PvP modus operandi.

The two rules of 9S:
1) When in doubt, blame Endo.
2) If you cant blame Endo, blame Sonno.
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