NM 18's Tuesday 16th 1900 GMT

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NM 18's Tuesday 16th 1900 GMT

Post by Naite »

I know it wasn't overly successful last week, but the week before we got 17/18, so as I still want to do these, I'll set up a list and see who else is interested:

1: Naite (DPS or Heals)
2: rippledrum (DPS)

Sign up if you want to tag along.
Last edited by Naite on Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NM 18's Tuesday 16th 1900 GMT

Post by Floryn »

I'm afraid I can't join you for this one because of our monthly IC RP mission.
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Re: NM 18's Tuesday 16th 1900 GMT

Post by rippledrums »

I would like to join as DPS DABS if possible :)

I have a SF build now but I haven't used it yet and the NMs aren't the best place to try and fail the rotation I think :P
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Re: NM 18's Tuesday 16th 1900 GMT

Post by Trommari »

i'd love to join, but same as floryn, i was really looking forward to the in character mission event from RP division.
I havent given up on us and made a couple more 18s runs posts
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