[Tryout] 18s NM run, Friday 19th June, 19.00.h GMT

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[Tryout] 18s NM run, Friday 19th June, 19.00.h GMT

Post by Trommari »

Polaris, Darkness War and Hell Raised.
No requirements other than having the Gatekeeper beaten
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Re: [Tryout] 18s NM run, Friday 19th June, 19.00.h GMT

Post by Aberlour »

Bumping this to get it up on the active topics list. There's a lair raid that overlaps with this, so you may want to push the time back 30 minutes, and possibly join in on the lair raid if you can. It rewards some amount of BBs when he goes down.
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Re: [Tryout] 18s NM run, Friday 19th June, 19.00.h GMT

Post by Trommari »

The dungeons we do and the start/end hour is debatable, please let me know if u wanna do dungeons other than 18s or if the starting time can be moved.
Posts: 74
Joined: Mon May 25, 2015 9:08 pm

Re: [Tryout] 18s NM run, Friday 19th June, 19.00.h GMT

Post by Trommari »

cancelling this
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