Ankh and Hell 2 Normal

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Re: Ankh and Hell 2 Normal

Post by Rikunda »

Is the time on top still accurate? 2 pm edt? I will come! :D
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Re: Ankh and Hell 2 Normal

Post by stormbirdd »

...which I have never gotten to work, carefully observing the settings on the appropriate forum page.

I don't want to invite a storm of "Are you crazy?" level comments, but I have never understood why free, works-every-time Skype (well, mostly every time, as much a any software ALWAYS works) is viewed as inferior to the tedious setting up a server and then sending out various settings to clients of a mumble or similar server. Perhaps I could be (gently) enlightened?
Sehanine Etona Aspianne
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Re: Ankh and Hell 2 Normal

Post by Rick Fortune »

Have you set your details per time zone etc correctly in the forum prefs? Do that and att the times should show correctly for your time zone when someone posts a calendar event.
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Re: Ankh and Hell 2 Normal

Post by Uragon »

If you are serious about discussing our standard voice comms, I would suggest a separate thread, not an old event sign up.
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Re: Ankh and Hell 2 Normal

Post by Aberlour »

Because Skype doesn't work every time? And has issues just like Mumble, Ventrillo, Teamspeak, etc? Because Skype generally is tied to more personal information? Because Skype has annoying banner adds now? Because you have to know usernames to chat in Skype, so it's not at easy as logging into a server-based application like Mumble to talk to people?

As someone who uses Skype, there are plenty of reasons not to use it, as well as plenty of reasons to use it. We have a Mumble because it's part of the hosting service used for the website. So there's not point in not having it. Members can use whatever they want, though. We won't get mad if you prefer Skype and use it when you use voice chat for things.

Like Ura says, though, If you'd like to discuss voice comms, you should start a post in the Internal forums.
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Re: Ankh and Hell 2 Normal

Post by stormbirdd »

Roger that.
Sehanine Etona Aspianne
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