The Facility NM

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The Facility NM

Post by Dreadzilla »

Never did get my Curio. This would go a long way to help me.

1. Dreadzilla DPS
2. Abe Tank/DPS
3. Chaos Tank/DPS
4. Miss R DPS
5. Elil DPS

Reserve Naite

Any help would be appreciated.

I just put everyone up on the list, but if we need a healer we'll have to switch it up.
Last edited by Dreadzilla on Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:46 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Antanahe »

Sorry, I won't be there this weekend otherwise I would have been glad to help out. Good luck with your curio.
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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Aberlour »

I can make this. I've successfully tanked it like twice too. DPSed it a ton.
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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Rikunda »

I can come as DPS. Just need to remember to wake up early for it.

Any NM experience is one I would love to have at this point.
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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Chaosetor »

Says it starts at 20:00 my time, so I can make this one. I can either tank or DPS it, I have both tanked and DPSed it several times, though it has been some time since I last was in fac NM.
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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Rick Fortune »

Ooooh I'm tossing up whether I'll go to the thing I have on this weekend. I need this for MissR's curio too. And I now have everything set back up again.

Not sure MissR's gear's up to healing it yet, but could DPS it, But if Abe heal tanks, maybe I could try to leech. We'll have to see.
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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Elil »

I'd also like this (DPS) for my curio, but looks like you're already full.
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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Aberlour »

Elil wrote:I'd also like this (DPS) for my curio, but looks like you're already full.
If you wanted to try a run the following Saturday around the same time, I'd be down to help. Assuming you don't end up needed for this one.
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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Rikunda »

Um.... we have no healer. All DPS, with two willing to do tank.
Mother Teresa wrote: Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.
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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Aberlour »

Rikunda wrote:Um.... we have no healer. All DPS, with two willing to do tank.
Generally if you tank Facility, you healtank Facility. Or, most of it anyway. Chaos and I can also heal, and so can Rick. So we're good.
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