The Facility NM

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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Chaosetor »

Rikunda wrote:Um.... we have no healer. All DPS, with two willing to do tank.
I usually healtank bosses 1-3 and 6, while having a leecher on boss 4 and 5, it is, however, quite common to have a healtank through all of it as there are certain mechanics in NM that makes having a healer largely redundant.
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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Rick Fortune »

Correct. In fact in a few of the fights it literally HELPS to have a Healtank and 4 DPS.
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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Rikunda »

Gotta drop out. Sorry for the rather last minute notice. :(
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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Aberlour »

Rikunda wrote:Gotta drop out. Sorry for the rather last minute notice. :(
It's over 24 hours away, that's not last minute ;p
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Re: The Facility NM

Post by Naite »

Well, if Elil's being called up, I'll sign in as reserve reserve, just in case anyone else drops out in the next 24 hrs...
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