Oh man, I shouldn't read these while I am at the office... and and
"...the prosaic materialism of the majority condemns as madness the flashes of super-sight which penetrate the common veil of obvious empiricism." - H.P. Lovecraft
Proud member of Nine Swords - Leader of the Rapier Division
...there’s something behind the curtain there can’t be because all the doors and windows are locked and I shut them myself but vampires can become smoke and drift through small gaps don’t be ridiculous pull yourself together perhaps it was just a breeze in just the right (or wrong) direction why don’t you open the curtains and have a look I can’t because I am frozen I can’t move my legs or arms for some reason are you sure you saw it move I CAN’T MOVE it could just be because my eyes are tired and I am exhausted or...
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
“The trick with time-travel is to bring two far away points on the time-space continuum together.” Saïd didn’t look up, fiddling with something on his smartphone “Remove the intervening time-space components or swap them to somewhere else and superglue your location and destination together. With enough anima as grease you can slide over to the other point, like an asp on suncream. The ancients knew all the sweet special moves.”
The sun beat down on the time-tomb and the horizon shimmered. As she tried to visualise the concept, Mellified peeped over his shoulder and discovered he was playing Candy Crush.
Sink back under the leaves. Become one with the forest. Breathe deeply and drift away. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Aware of the ant crawling across her cheek but accepting of it. Think relaxing thoughts.
Cloudless sky, warm sun …
Deserted beach …
Gentle surf …
The rugged Roman soldier leaning in for a kiss on the sheepskin rug ...
She leapt up in a flash of instant awareness and readiness. A wandering bobcat that was about to tread on her hand shot away in a tawny blur. That was not her imagination - it was a memory.
“I, Lord Frogsley of All I Survey, now claim sovereignty over the whole of Europe. I demand tribute in the form of bananas and the toe nail clippings of your first-born sons and daughters.”
Frogsley has gone completely mad thinks Mellified. Inflated by Cognac and haphazard chance. We have to take her down before she becomes mega-powerful and destroys our world. Who can I trust to help with this? Sonno obviously, but it seems that Katelin and Durendal are working to some other agenda.
She sucks her teeth, moves her troops into Ukraine from Ural and throws some risky dice.
Tokoloshe (noun)
In Zulu mythology the Tokoloshe is a dwarf-like hairy water sprite. It is considered a mischievous and evil spirit that can become invisible by drinking water.
(I knew the song Tokoloshe Man by the Happy Mondays and John Kongos - I never realised it was about this mythological creature)
Serendipity (noun)
The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way
(So was it serendipitous when I read about a Tokoloshe in the morning and fire-balled one in the evening?)
Toxolocious (made up word)
The smell of a burning Tokoloshe
Mellified wrote:“I, Lord Frogsley of All I Survey, now claim sovereignty over the whole of Europe. I demand tribute in the form of bananas and the toe nail clippings of your first-born sons and daughters.”
Frogsley has gone completely mad thinks Mellified. Inflated by Cognac and haphazard chance. We have to take her down before she becomes mega-powerful and destroys our world. Who can I trust to help with this? Sonno obviously, but it seems that Katelin and Durendal are working to some other agenda.
She sucks her teeth, moves her troops into Ukraine from Ural and throws some risky dice.