Hello to all !
This event is directed to all our members in need of AP/SP, but foremost I would like to address myself to our members that recently started the game and can use the extra experience to increase their survival chances in the game.
When: Saturday November 28, 2015
Where: Kingsmouth Airport (nightmare zone)
Duration: 1 hour
Meet up on: Antanahe
Requirements: xp boost potion is nice if you have it
If you want to sign-up you can leave your name here and I will group you before we start. If you want to join during the run, just give me a shout. If you have questions or need more information, don't hesitate to contact me.
Cheers !
1. Anta
2. Flo ?
3. Sonno
4. Maelina
5. LeMortieh
6. Shock
AP/SP run: Kingsmouth Airport, Saturday November 28, 2015
Moderator: Leaders
AP/SP run: Kingsmouth Airport, Saturday November 28, 2015
I shall tolerate no Evil. I shall stand by my comrades in arms, and guard their backs! I vow no Brother or Sister shall enter the battlefield without the knowledge, skill and equipement needed to overcome Evil.
- Floryn
- Posts: 2371
- Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:28 pm
- Twitter: @DutchFloryn
- Location: Brussels, Belgium
Re: AP/SP run: Kingsmouth Airport, Saturday November 28, 201
That's dinner time for me. I will see how hungry I am whether or not I will join.
"...the prosaic materialism of the majority condemns as madness the flashes of super-sight which penetrate the common veil of obvious empiricism." - H.P. Lovecraft
Proud member of Nine Swords - Leader of the Rapier Division
Proud member of Nine Swords - Leader of the Rapier Division
- Posts: 1153
- Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:36 am
- Twitter: @TheRicksterTSW
- Location: Middle of Nowhere, Australia
Re: AP/SP run: Kingsmouth Airport, Saturday November 28, 201
I can come along for sure, but will happily give up my spot for newer people.
New Name is 'Cholesterol' cause I keep giving people Cardiac Arrests.
Describing MissR's PvP modus operandi.
The two rules of 9S:
1) When in doubt, blame Endo.
2) If you cant blame Endo, blame Sonno.
Describing MissR's PvP modus operandi.
The two rules of 9S:
1) When in doubt, blame Endo.
2) If you cant blame Endo, blame Sonno.
Re: AP/SP run: Kingsmouth Airport, Saturday November 28, 201
Like I said in the other thread, I'm up for it too ! 

Re: AP/SP run: Kingsmouth Airport, Saturday November 28, 201
Need AP to finish my almost completed wheel, so I'm in if there's room 

Re: AP/SP run: Kingsmouth Airport, Saturday November 28, 201
If you're OK with making this a raid I'd come along. I need AP for a level 3 Focused aug all of a sudden.
Re: AP/SP run: Kingsmouth Airport, Saturday November 28, 201
I don't have any problems with raiding it, let's just hope we have the airport to ourselves because the mobs aren't going to be living long with the kind of destructive power this groups is bringing 

I shall tolerate no Evil. I shall stand by my comrades in arms, and guard their backs! I vow no Brother or Sister shall enter the battlefield without the knowledge, skill and equipement needed to overcome Evil.
Re: AP/SP run: Kingsmouth Airport, Saturday November 28, 201
Thanks for joining all ! That was AWESOME destructive power we brought with us. And despite that, those zombies wouldn't stay dead... We'll have to work on our fear factor next time... Anyway, hope you had a good time and can put all those AP/SP to good use !
I shall tolerate no Evil. I shall stand by my comrades in arms, and guard their backs! I vow no Brother or Sister shall enter the battlefield without the knowledge, skill and equipement needed to overcome Evil.
Re: AP/SP run: Kingsmouth Airport, Saturday November 28, 201
I had an awesome time, thanks a lot for organizing this, let's do it again some day 

Re: AP/SP run: Kingsmouth Airport, Saturday November 28, 201
Yea, it was really fun. Aggro'ing 20+ zombies in to a group and just..... kabamm, swush,swush . ! 
I believe, with this group, that we would have saved the world in a real Zombie-acopalypse, for sure

I believe, with this group, that we would have saved the world in a real Zombie-acopalypse, for sure
