NY Raid Thursday 18th February 2016 20:00 GMT

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Rick Fortune
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 18th February 2016 20:00 GMT

Post by Rick Fortune »

One of mine on anything except tanking.
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 18th February 2016 20:00 GMT

Post by Xkraft »

DPS of some sort.
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 18th February 2016 20:00 GMT

Post by LeMort »

A sneaking suspicion tells me my wireless card have started to fold, I'm having weird lag problems unlike what I've experienced before.

I'll drop my debut this week and will sign up next week, hopefully I've found the cause and/or a solution.

Have fun!

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Re: NY Raid Thursday 18th February 2016 20:00 GMT

Post by BrokenPieces »

The teams are as follows:

1. Kisshoten (tank)
2. BrokenPieces (tank)
3. Marlolini (healpods)
4. Frogsley (leech)
5. Hinoki (buffs)

6. TS-13 (adds)
7. Xkraft (buffs)
8. Mellified (dps)
9. Floryn (dps)
10. Rick

1. Akontia

Good luck, everyone!
Last edited by BrokenPieces on Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 18th February 2016 20:00 GMT

Post by Akontia »

Haven't done any raids but I'd like to start learning.

DPS roles, usually AR/ELE, gear is between 10.2 to 10.4
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