Interactive Maps add-on with a link to the nine swords page

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Interactive Maps add-on with a link to the nine swords page

Post by Strigas »

Hey everyone, first off, if this is in the wrong section please feel free to move it, I couldn't figure out the best place to post it and after asking in cabal chat this was the most likely place it seemed to go, but if there is somewhere better then I apologize! I know that I am one of the new members and I haven't posted here on the boards yet, (though the members playing for the last few days will tell you that I have a tendency to never quite down in cabal chat :P but I wanted to share my project from today in case it might help out some of the other members.

I just recently started playing again despite originally being a pre-order insider because when the game came out I was pretty overwhelmed with some medical drama. So all in all I'm just trying to feel things out again and get back into the swing of things. Part of the trouble with that is trying to remember where everything is and so I decided to go look for an addon that had better maps that I could access in the game but sadly after trying just under a dozen different ones they were all either pointing at urls that no longer existed or were just so out of date that trying to fix them would have been more of a pain than anything else.

So of course that just meant I should go ahead and make my own lol. After following the documentation on the TSW site I ended up with a horrendous addon that was a combination of about 20 different scripts and it was just too much. Yet again I went through and made another version now that I had a better understanding of what exactly I could do with the scripts and text ui's in game and so now it is just one script with a total of one file. (If you haven't used scripts before in TSW they just go into /The Secret World/Scripts rather than into the gui folder like other mods do)

For mine, In order to activate it in game you simply type /maps And it will show up in your chat window but only you will be able to see it and click on it, although you can change that if you wish by simply removing the /text from the very beginning of the script. And if you want to change the command to trigger it simply rename your script file to something other than maps; and if you want to change the word that gets show in your chat window change the last word in the script before the last </a>

The script itself is hidden in the spoiler section if you want to copy and paste it yourself or if you just want to take a look at how simple it ended up, For whatever reason it wont let me attach the file here on the forums but I wanted to make sure that there was an easier option for people who don't want to have to create the script themselves so you can download it from my google driver right Here

And last but not least I really do hope that this might help someone else out in their own journey around the secret world or their hunt for the lore within it. If I've messed anything up or you would like to see something changed simply message me here or hit me up in game on Strigas <3
Beware of Spoiler!   
/text <a href="text://<br><br><div align=center><font color=#FF0000 face=TSWLarge> 'There is no purpose greater than ours. The world will flounder without structure and discipline' -The Templars </font></div><br><div align=right> Hoc Signo Vinces ~Strigas</div><br><font face=LARGE_BOLD>Hubs:</font> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>London</a> · <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>New York</a> · <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Seoul</a> and <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Agartha</a><BR><BR><font face=LARGE_BOLD>PvE Region: Zone: Dungeon</font> (<font face=large bold>Drop QL</font>)<font face=LARGE_BOLD>:</font><BR><BR>Solomon Island: <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Kingsmouth Town</a> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Polaris</a> (<font color=#c30707>QL 3</font>)<br><br> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Savage Coast</a> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Hell Raised</a> (<font color=#c30707>QL 5</font>)<br><br> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL " ... uemountain" \n /option web_browser 1'>Blue Mountain</a> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Darkness War</a> (<font color=#c30707>QL 6</font>)<BR><BR>Egypt: <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL " ... cheddesert" \n /option web_browser 1'>Scorched Desert</a> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Ankh</a> (<font color=#c30707>QL 8</font>)<br><br> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>City of the Sun God</a> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Hell Fallen</a> (<font color=#c30707>QL 9</font>)<BR><BR>Transylvania: <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Besieged Farmlands</a> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Facility</a> (<font color=#c30707>QL 10</font>)<br><br> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL " ... dowyforest" \n /option web_browser 1'>Shadowy Forest</a> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Hell Eternal</a> (<font color=#c30707>QL 10</font>)<br><br> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL " ... thianfangs" \n /option web_browser 1'>Carpathian Fangs</a> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL " ... ghterhouse" \n /option web_browser 1'>Slaughterhouse</a> (<font color=#c30707>QL 10</font>)<br><br><font face=LARGE_BOLD>PvP</font> <font face=LARGE_BOLD>:</font> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>El Dorado</a> · <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Stonehenge</a> · <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Fusang Projects</a> <BR><BR><div align=center><font color=#d00808 face=TSWLarge> Visit the 9 Swords Website: </font> <a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL "" \n /option web_browser 1'>Here</a>">Maps</a>
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Re: Interactive Maps add-on with a link to the nine swords p

Post by Katelin »

Firstly, thank you for sharing your project!!

Being able to access information quickly in game is really useful - from what I can see though, the resources you have linked to in your script are out of date, at least I don't think they include all the new Bestiary lore? I have no idea if these resources are planning on updating, it would be a huge undertaking!!

As a suggestion, if you have space in your script with the amount of characters I would recommend adding a "source" reference - to thank the original makers of the maps :)
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Re: Interactive Maps add-on with a link to the nine swords p

Post by Strigas »

I'm glad that I'm not the only person that thinks like that, I originally had a section on there about the guys over at nekrosystems (who are really cool people btw) but I must have taken it out when I was working on the formatting. I will make sure to toss it back in there next time I'm working on it, thanks for the heads up!

As for them being out of date because of the missing bestiary lore, I will be honest and admit I didn't even know that. The nekros maps were what I had used back in 2012 and I suppose I just assumed that they were still good. Do you know a source that would be better to use like tsw-geo?

I was honestly just using the maps for the ability to toggle side missions to help me find any that I might have missed paired along with the "available missions" mod, because for lore I've been just grabbing everything I can see heh. But obviously I'd want to use the most up to date information possible.

Thanks for always looking out for us all Katelin <3
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