The Hotel & Mansion NM SCEN, "prepare to cry" edition.
Gear requierement : (average 10.8.5)
- 4k AR
- Around 5.5k - 6k HP
- Survival DPS build
Hinoki - Tanky survivor (agitator/exposed & more HP)
- The Leecher
- Survivor DPS 1
- Survivor DPS 2
- Survivor DPS 3
For survival DPS, if you can swap build fastly when splitted waves spawns, you can try to go pure DPS build for more damage.
(I've never done NM group before and i'm just looking for the safer way to make it )
Tanking rules :
1 - If you die, there's no way that was your fault.
2 - Accuse your healer.
3 - Repeat 1 & 2.
4 - Remember, DPS never steal aggro, you just allow them see how it is hard to be a tank.
I'm away this week and getting back on Friday so I should be able to help (as long as the plane isn't delayed).
If it's your first group NM Hinoki then I would recommend just defending one group of survivors inside the hotel (and the mansion) rather than running around trying to save 'em all so you can get used to it. Have a normal dungeon group with some people having cleanses because of the filthy ones.
well, I"m not a big fan of scenarios, and definitely not NM ones, but I can join as a full heal if you go with Mel's plan of defending one group So basically a reserve if you don't find any others interested
Great that you can join Ish - it's looking increasingly unlikely that I'll be back in time - so please go ahead without me. I'm very keen to do more of these in the future. Good luck!
Potentially, there is a chance i'll be à little late.
Tanking rules :
1 - If you die, there's no way that was your fault.
2 - Accuse your healer.
3 - Repeat 1 & 2.
4 - Remember, DPS never steal aggro, you just allow them see how it is hard to be a tank.
Mellified wrote:Great that you can join Ish - it's looking increasingly unlikely that I'll be back in time - so please go ahead without me. I'm very keen to do more of these in the future. Good luck!
I'll be there as your own personal reserve! If Hin is a bit late too, you can still make it.