Kharzon wrote:After Morrowind, only player made mods made the games any good, imo. Played Skyrim all of 30 minutes before I uninstalled.
I really, really love Morrowind, and I have felt the games that followed it were a bit lacking by comparison, but I can hardly believe that the first 30 minutes of Skyrim seemed so bad that you didn't want to continue with it. I'm usually the first person to start complaining when I don't like something (and I actually was complaining about Skyrim on Facebook on the first day I played it to be honest) but still I feel kind of grateful that they are still making some reasonably decent games to keep me interested in the world of The Elder Scrolls, and I appreciate having another map to travel through and new places to explore in Skyrim. One thing seems certain to me: the caves and dungeons are much better and more interesting in Skyrim than they have ever been before.
As for the new MMO, I know that a lot of people are saying that it is going to be a betrayal of the franchise, but I think in this case I love the series so much that I might be willing to cut an MMO developer a little slack for the first time in my life. As long as it is a sandbox PVE game with a freaking huge world and tons of lore, I will probably feel that my basic Elder Scrolls needs have been fulfilled. But then it might not be sandboxy enough, and it might be all PVP all the time, and then I won't be so happy. The combat system will be another difficult issue, because the MMOs that have had proper sword-swinging real-time combat haven't been hits (I'm still amazed that The Chronicles of Spellborn died in less than a year in spite of being really good in most respects) and if the news reports are correct it sounds like this game is going to have a screwy time-bar combat system of some sort. So maybe it isn't time to celebrate yet, but I am still hopeful and open-minded about all things related to The Elder Scrolls.
I'm not familiar with Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning but I'll have to look into that one. Thanks for the recommendation.