Born Malady Neagră in the cold halls of Corb Negru(Raven's Rook) Carpathia; daughter of Baron Alexandru Neagră and Baroness Elena Neagră.
The first moments for Malegemma were not of life, but in fact the cold breath of death. Destined to become a Strzyga like her mother, the near-death babe were to change and become something terrible, a tool of darkness, and another component to some nefarious scheme.
It was not divinity that interfered, but the love of her mother. Sparing her child from becoming hopelessly tainted, Elena snuck out and went to the secret anima well located deep within the castle. There she pleaded and prayed to Gaia, exposing the power of the well. Wielding her own magics, Elena brought the baby from the brink, filling her with the pure power of Gaia. Yet, light can only stem so much darkness, and dark power still lay dormant, waiting to be unleashed like a caged beast.
Her father not suspecting the ruse, was pleased that he had sired a weapon for Mara. Indeed the cruelty and cunning of Alexandru Neagră earned him influence and most importantly his immortality as a powerful vampire.
House Raven survived the rise of the Soviet Union, and even flourished. Unspeakable atrocities paved the road to damnation for the Baron. A price he was willing to pay. A brilliant scientist and shrewd politician, he manipulated the Communist Powers to eradicate other noble families.
Yet fate is a double edged sword.
The collapse of the Soviet Union left House Raven just vulnerable enough for the Illuminati and Templars to strike a critical blow. A suitable reckoning for the loss of valuable members and resources. The scars of that time still stains the very walls of Raven's Rook.
The last gift to her daughter was the opportunity for a new beginning. Baroness Elena sacrificed her life and others to fool all that Malady has died at the hands of the Strigoi. Indeed Baron Alexandru and his Negru Guard turned on other allied Strigoi. Elena's gambit saw her daughter spirited away to America as a political refugee.
The young girl had her name changed, and lived with relatives to Elena, preserving the secret. Malady, now known as Malegemma grew up a healthy young adult, taming her darkness with the example of her mother life and sacrifice.
Yet fate is a double edge sword.
The call was made, the bees came, and Malady Malegemma Blackwood answered. A twilight princess, now ready to face those monsters, her father and the agents of Mara.
Backstory: Malegemma
- Posts: 163
- Joined: Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:29 am
- Location: Frankfurt a.M., Germany (not german though)
Re: Backstory: Malegemma
Also, sets the stage for many possible and interesting encounters.
Also, sets the stage for many possible and interesting encounters.
Bring all your friends to visit. It sharpens the dream.