This is Jazz.

She's an old dog now, at fifteen. She's an even mix of Jack Russel Terrier, Rat Terrier, and cancer. (She's lying on the side that has the biggest tumor, it's a very large grapefruit in size. It's big and heavy, so she has a sore back a lot of the time.) She's dying, technically, but she's not particularly ill - it's all just under her skin, not in amongst her organs yet. It spread out before it started growing up, so by the time it was diagnosed it was inoperable. Too much tumor, not enough dog - at her age, she likely wouldn't survive the surgery. So we'll just keep her happy, as long as we can.
She's grouchy, irritable, stubborn, and absolutely hates it when those dang kids walk on her lawn. But she's always been like that.
In this pic, she's got an upset tummy, and as usual she turns to her froggie for comfort. She loves her humans, but she doesn't exactly look up to us. She regards us as, I suspect, her pets. She's a cranky old girl, and she's the best.