We're sharing pet pics now? Okay.

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We're sharing pet pics now? Okay.

Post by Reviled »

Yep, I'm using the bunny pics as precedent to start a show-off-your-pet thread. I've got three, but that may be excessive, so for now I'll just share one.

This is Jazz.


She's an old dog now, at fifteen. She's an even mix of Jack Russel Terrier, Rat Terrier, and cancer. (She's lying on the side that has the biggest tumor, it's a very large grapefruit in size. It's big and heavy, so she has a sore back a lot of the time.) She's dying, technically, but she's not particularly ill - it's all just under her skin, not in amongst her organs yet. It spread out before it started growing up, so by the time it was diagnosed it was inoperable. Too much tumor, not enough dog - at her age, she likely wouldn't survive the surgery. So we'll just keep her happy, as long as we can.

She's grouchy, irritable, stubborn, and absolutely hates it when those dang kids walk on her lawn. But she's always been like that.

In this pic, she's got an upset tummy, and as usual she turns to her froggie for comfort. She loves her humans, but she doesn't exactly look up to us. She regards us as, I suspect, her pets. She's a cranky old girl, and she's the best.
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Re: We're sharing pet pics now? Okay.

Post by LeMort »

Reviled wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 12:51 am Yep, I'm using the bunny pics as precedent to start a show-off-your-pet thread.
Great idea!!
This is Jazz.
What a lovely picture. I lost my previous dog to cancer. A Rottweiler doesn't really tell you she's in pain, so when we discovered it, it was way to late to do anything.

But now I have a cute Labrador

Here's Sita. 4 years of age.
Water-addicted, as this breed is supposed to be.
I got her 1 year ago, the previous family realized they didn't really had time for her so they wanted to give her a better home. Since I am nothing *but* home, they chose me amongst tons of applicants. She came with tons of bad habits and wasn't really trained at all.
Barking at everything (including shadows and mysterious stones behind fences) and tries to attack seagulls, pigeons and cats. Tiresome, since she's in a leash.

But one year of training has given results and I guess one year more she will be the calm, trained dog I want to have. Taking over a dog was weird, for months I just felt I was taking care of her.
Now however, I love her deeply and she is mine 100%.
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Re: We're sharing pet pics now? Okay.

Post by Reviled »

Update: Jazz's cancer progressed to the point where she wasn't okay anymore, and wouldn't be ever again, regardless of treatments. She was in constant pain, or medicated to the point where she couldn't engage with the world anymore.

So late last night, we took her to the veterinary clinic, and... we made the pain stop. It was a peaceful ending, but heartbreaking.

She was an old dog, and she was fiercely protective of her humans, and she loved her treasured routines and her froggie. I'm going to miss her an awful lot.

Letting a beloved pet go is the hardest part of pet ownership, but it was the kindest thing we could do for her at this point. Those of you who have pets, please take a moment to hold them and appreciate them, in memory of Jazz, who was a Good Girl, Yes She Was.
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Re: We're sharing pet pics now? Okay.

Post by Uragon »

That's sad. I can't say that I own pets, but I did have the privilege of living with cats over 10 years ago. They always come with fun, playful but also sad moments too. You just have to remember the right bits of them.
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Re: We're sharing pet pics now? Okay.

Post by Katelin »

I am so very sorry for your loss, Reviled. Hugs xxx
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Re: We're sharing pet pics now? Okay.

Post by Aberlour »

I'm sorry for your lost Reviled. That's always a hard decision to make, even when you know it'll ease the suffering.

In the 10 years we've been together my wife and I have had to make that call three times and have had four other pets die (two unexpectedly, two of old age), so I definitely feel your pain.

My thoughts are with you and your family.
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Re: We're sharing pet pics now? Okay.

Post by LeMort »

I am really sorry for your loss Reviled.

I have been in your position as well, I can feel your pain, but you got the memories!

I'll cuddle my dog a bit extra tonight in honor of Jazz

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Re: We're sharing pet pics now? Okay.

Post by Mikshana »

Sorry for you loss, she was very cute
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Re: We're sharing pet pics now? Okay.

Post by Dhante »

Please meet my little girl, Litchie!

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Re: We're sharing pet pics now? Okay.

Post by LeMort »

Ooooh! Adorable! :)

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