Let your geek flag fly

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Re: Let your geek flag fly

Post by Gebbeth »

:lol: Yes but THOSE eyebrows have a clear purpose! :lol:

I mean, with eyebrows like that ANYONE could be an angry Scott!

Dang! OH! Could you imagine the impact on our present timeline, if in the 1960's whatever Leonard Nimoy had eyebrows like that????

What if Carrie Fisher had them?! :o :shock:

ROFLMAO! :lol:
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Re: Let your geek flag fly

Post by Shadowcat-x »

I think you broke my brain. . . I'm picturing Princess Leia with Peter Capaldi's eyebrows. *shudder*
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Re: Let your geek flag fly

Post by LeMort »

I'm really into Zombies.
So Zombie-games.
SWL, Left4Dead, State of Decay and so on.

Walking Dead. Comics, Series and spinoff. (Fear the Walking Dead)

Shaun of the Dead. (Best parody ever. It is done with so much love for the topic it is somewhat better than the 'real thing'. It's even bloody scary at one point, and I don't scare easily. (When they've given up in the basement of the pub)).

I am a The Office fan. I've seen the whole thing three times now 8seasons of 20+ episodes.
In less than two years. (Pam is the love of my life, screenwise).

Star Trek. TOS, Next Generation and the new one. (It's really good).
All movies and Next Generation movies.

Elite: Dangerous. (And the original Elite still has one of my best gaming moments)

The Simpsons. (Although I started to loose interest around S23 or something like that. It's enough now)

Lord of The Rings. The books. To some extent the movies. The MMO LOTRO.

Computer gaming as a topic.
FPS games. (Quake in particular. Still my favorite game of all time and I've been through it on Nightmare more times than I want to know...)

Music. I play most standard instrument and is quite good on them too. I know my homestudio software in and out.
Guitars, Pedals, Amplifiers.
Knowledge about bands, records, musicians, how things came to be. How it was made. Coincidences that made great art.


My dog.

News. History. Documentaries about everything.

yea. I could go on.

Nice read btw, great thread

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Re: Let your geek flag fly

Post by Shadowcat-x »

Oh, zombies are a PARTICULAR favorite of mine. I have had so many discussions with my sweetie on the topic of what actually makes up a zombie movie. Is 28 Days a zombie movie? They dead aren't walking, per se, but the elements that make up a zombie movie are there. Ravening former humans, instant infection, fall of human civilization and the survivors being just as dangerous, if not more so, than the monsters. Is Resident Evil a zombie movie? Yeah, the dead are walking, but isn't it really more about Mila Jovovich kicking ass in a really skimpy costume (not that there's anything wrong with that!)

My fascination with zombies and zombie cinema has also lead me into being somewhat of a 'prepper'. That's a term for someone who "preps" for disaster. I just happen to be preparing for zombie apocalypse. In addition to the food, water, gas, medical supplies, duct tape and tools that I keep in my 4WD "bug out vehicle", I also keep swords and machetes. Because y'know, they don't need to be reloaded. If my neighbors think I'm preparing for when California finally decides to slide into the ocean and turn Reno NV into beachfront real estate, I'm okay with that.

LeMort, if you haven't already checked out Z Nation on Netflix, I highly recommend it. It's a very snarky, sometimes goofy, take on the zombie apocalypse from the SyFy channel.
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Re: Let your geek flag fly

Post by Cherrie »

What will you do about your gaming habits during the zombie apocalypse?
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Re: Let your geek flag fly

Post by Neural »

Cherrie wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2018 3:08 am What will you do about your gaming habits during the zombie apocalypse?
Augmented Reality, so like Pokemon Go, but with blood splatters. :D
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Re: Let your geek flag fly

Post by Katelin »

Zombie lovers- anyone else read the series of books by Frank Tayell? I'm looking forward to the next one coming out this spring to find out what happens next :D
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Re: Let your geek flag fly

Post by LeMort »

Haven't read. Is it a long series or just a few books?
I'm getting eye-surgery soon and will most likely be able to read again :-D

So, tip for when that happens is welcome!

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Re: Let your geek flag fly

Post by Era-Tahr »

Great read! Let the flag fly.

Geeking, hm ok.

Startet out around 20 years ago, with thouse "if you go up the road go to page 27", after that it was the classic DnD, followed by ADnD. Been playing all kinds of Rp's since then, Call of Cthulhu, most White Wolf games, Werewolf, Wraith, Vampire, Mage - never got into Changeling, that whole fairy thing wasent me. Shadowrun (altime favorit), and right now me and my group are rocking a Mutant and Mastermind game (make your own superhero/villan), in a post WW2 Call of Cthulhu universe with evil nazi scientists.
Been doing alot of LARP aswell, but since I got a wife 'n kid there isn't that much time left, and getting the right gear and costume can be expencive or time consuming.

Used to play a lot of "nordic" Rp, every day drama with no system, where you play out thouse nasty every day things that life can bring us all. But after doing that pretty intence for some time, I had to find a shield and kick in some doors and kill that dragon.
If you folks are interested in some dark "in touch with your emotions" Rp, I can recomend Fastaval, it's a danish Rp festival every easter. There is around 600-700 participants. There is a huge amount of Rp'ing, some very experimental games, both in design and systems, and there ofc. some more easy going once. There is also boardgame, magic cards, and warhammer tournaments.

I worked as sub at a boarding school that uses Rp as a teaching method - was really awesome!! And showed me that Rp'ing can be so much more then dungeon crawling.

Had a brief brush with warhammer mini figures, but never had the patience for painting. But I really enjoy the books.
...oh yeah I read alot, well used to, before the spawn came:) He's 3 now, and I hope I can show him some of the worlds that I know. His mom dosent game, play Rp or geek very much. I can talk her into a boardgame now and then, and it takes us aaaages to find a movie we both wonna watch. I normaly cave in, we see 30-45 mins of a terrible movie, and she falls asleep....and I normaly watch it to the end. But she knows that I need my geek time, and she lets me have it, as well as I know that she needs some time for herself, so it's working out pretty well.

It was some of my Rp friends who talked me into WoW back in the days (not that I needed much to be talked into it:), and from there I went on to other MMO'S. But that one game, that I always comes back to, is Europa Universalis IV. Great strategy game.

Ohm, what else, oh yeah I have a huge red Cat, and I play Dodgeball every Wednesday
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Re: Let your geek flag fly

Post by Ezraell »

An interesting read Era :)

Could you tell me more about
a boarding school that uses Rp as a teaching method

I think I've heard of such attempts but I would like to take a look at their approach.
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