Winners: < 500 IP Group
1st place: Dirtybliss -115 pts (claimed)
2nd place: Indashi - mystery pts (claimed)
Winners: > 500 IP Group
1st place: Shjak - 109 pts (claimed)
2nd place: Sam515 - 100 pts (claimed)
3rd place: Mayday - 87 pts (claimed)
4th: Katelin - 79 pts (claimed)
5th: Licantus - 70 pts (claimed)
6th: CarbonArc - 50 pts (claimed)
7th: Yurisha - 44 pts (claimed)
8th: Durendal - 20 pts (claimed)
9th: DigitalWraith - 12 pts (claimed)
10th: Mellifiied: 10 pts (claimed)
11th: Wargmir - 2 pts
Concept: The person to raise the most IP between 12-31 Jan 2019 wins
How to Enter:
- Take a screen-shot of your Character Sheet with your starting IP/gear and post it on this forum.
- By the end of 31 Jan, post your ending Character Sheet and we'll do the rest.
- Be sure you're showing the items you're upgrading...i.e. don't try to cheat by equipping fake stuff and using your real stuff later

- Winners will be announced on 01 Feb 2019 EU Time.
- Total top 6 winners from two categories (starting IPs): 9S < 500 IP and 9S > 500 IP.
- Only one character entry per account. Must be 9S member.
1st Place: 200k MoF + 9 Red Keys + 1st choice of special prize
2nd Place: 100k MoF + 9 Red Keys + 2nd choice of special prize
3rd Place: 50k MoF + 18 Gold Keys + 3rd choice of special prize
All Other Entry: 9 Gold Keys (Top 10 scores (5 from each group) + 9 Epic Keys (as supply last...though I do have 2 stacks worth)
Special prize:
Mythic Military-grade Breaching Robot (65 to Prowess and Adaptability for agent missions) (Claimed - Sam515)
Epic Training Manual (15% Exp gain for agent missions) (Claimed - Shjak)
Epic Specialised Weaponry (90 Prowess to agent missions) (Claimed - Yuriksha)
Epic Utility Belt (90 Adaptability to agent missions) (Claimed - Durendal)
Epic Crystal Ball (90 Ingenuity to agent missions) (Claimed - Katelin)
Radiant Cold Silver Dice (Claimed - Dirtybliss)
Radiant Cold Silver Dice (2nd one donated by Shjak) (Claimed - CarbonArc)
Intricate Fierce Glyph & Intricate Devastating Glyph (Combo) x2 (Claimed - Indashi/DW)
Warped Viage of Destruction Mk III (Chaos)
Warped Viage of Energy Mk II (Chaos) (Claimed by Mayday)
Pneumatic Maul of Energy Mk II (Hammer) (Claimed - Licantus)
Pneumatic Maul of Restoration Mk II (Hammer) (Claimed - Mellified)
Other prizes may be included without notice! Snapshot of sample Character Sheet attached. Ip Man was Bruce Lee's teacher in case you're confused about the title

Additional virtual IPs:
Starting 14 Jan you may gain additional virtual IP's which will be added to your total IP's gained by the end of the event. You may gain 2 IP for each scheduled event you attend. You may gain 1 IP for each ad hoc event (dungeon, lair, regional, WB, scenario) that involves/led by a leader who can verify your attendance. MAX 5 points per day! YOU are responsible for recording this event. Simple "edit" your post and post the Event/Date/Leader (that can verify your attendance), i.e. "Monster Hunt" 14 Jan - Kate.
Good luck!