For those that still know me, hi everybody. Just dropped by to say hi and I haven’t forgotten about you all! Oh no, I have not.
For those that don’t, I’m Fara. I was a Swordie a few years back. And I’m the author behind @TheAnimaCats on Twitter for those that are in the RP scene. I’ve written several RP’s with other players about a group of cats who are curious about the things that go on in the Secret World.
Hope to see you all ingame, and chat with everybody here.
You know played too much WoW, when you dream the farm you grew up on is Marigold Meadow, infested with feral rabbits. Then you wake up screaming at your 21 year old nephew to drop his rifle and go paint turnips. (Actual dream)
Hey LeMort, Mayday! Good to see ya!
I usually pop by ingame during the radio shows or events, whenever to catch up with what’s happening with other players. And when I’m not having one of my brain waves for my writing projects. Hope to catch ya on one of them sometimes.
You know played too much WoW, when you dream the farm you grew up on is Marigold Meadow, infested with feral rabbits. Then you wake up screaming at your 21 year old nephew to drop his rifle and go paint turnips. (Actual dream)
Hi Fara <3 Hope you are well, really nice that you dropped by to say hi see you in game
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.