New Year's - Viking Toast!

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New Year's - Viking Toast!

Post by Gebbeth »

I read something somewhere about Viking Toasts:
  • Toast - friends worth toasting
  • Brag - An accomplishment worth bragging about
  • Boast - A brag that's still future
Or something like that...

So kicking of New Years early, Please join me in making Viking Toasts!

Here's to Nine Swords! 5 Years of Friendship with humans I've never met!
This is the year, that I lost over 70 lbs, laid down the pool cue, and started kayaking!
Here's cheers to next year - chasing less than 20% body fat, and making the kayak go upside down and veritical!

Oh and name your drink - I'll have a non-viking Johnny Walker Black in a clean glass. :D
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Re: New Year's - Viking Toast!

Post by Mayday »

h9C17B7C6.jpg (36.84 KiB) Viewed 1909 times
To Nine Swords!!!
I completed NYR E10 without losing my sanity!
I will continue to kick the Lurkers butt!!!

Drink--Mt. Dew, alcohol is on my No-no list. Mead is good, just not when it explodes in the basement. True story of Rose Mead Sam and my sister made. Nothing like waking up at 3am to the sound of glass exploding! :shock:
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Re: New Year's - Viking Toast!

Post by Katelin »

Here's to Nine Swords, and many more adventures in the year to come!

I have managed to go to the gym for a whole year. I am really proud of myself, and have no idea why I didn't start this earlier in my life.

Future brag.. I will eventually defeat NY Raid E10.
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
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