**New Talismans**
**New Talismans**
New talis feel free to share, right click/save img.
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Last edited by b00gied on Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: New Talismans++++++++++
Not sure why the most useful heal talisman had to be the head slots. There are so many useless heal talismans that would have been better to make useful. I also like the "randomly increase the tank's speed" talisman. Tank trolling gear.
Re: New Talismans++++++++++
The luck talisman Pocket Pair looks very promising for healers. But the image is cut and I cant see the cooldown number. Where as the Tree Amulet neck piece, until we have a better idea how the rebalance will be for highest tier dungeons, hard to predict how useful this would be.