... s-rp-event
New data points to anomalies near Solomon Island. What is the source of this phenomenon and what danger does it pose?
Location: Same as 'On a Barren Shore', that big door in London that we don't know what it is, down Redcrosse Circus from the bank and Pangaea
Date and Time: Saturday July 10th, 1700 UTC
Hosted by Martyr-Complex
[RP]The Deeps - Saturday 10th July, 1700 UTC
Moderator: Leaders
Re: [RP]The Deeps - Saturday 10th July, 1700 UTC
I shall definitely be there.
Re: [RP]The Deeps - Saturday 10th July, 1700 UTC
I should be able to join.
Re: [RP]The Deeps - Saturday 10th July, 1700 UTC
Work roster came in, so I can now confirm I will be there.
Re: [RP]The Deeps - Saturday 10th July, 1700 UTC
I'm also planning to be there 

Re: [RP]The Deeps - Saturday 10th July, 1700 UTC
Here's the edited log of today's proceedings. Thanks again everybody for coming out!
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: (hi, where should I go?)
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: (We're on Redcrosse, out in front of the building. just east of Pangaea)
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: (Currently in the midst of a standoff)
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: (sans tumbleweed)
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: (Any moment now, someone's going to start dancing)
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Good afternoon. I'm glad you've all answered my request for a meeting today.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Good afternoon
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Good afternoon.
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Hello
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: The call certainly piqued my interest.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Today's business is perhaps not as pressing as our last, however, Leadership has given the go-ahead for an investigation.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Computer analysis of the star route pattern has revealed an intersection of lines converging on the Earth.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: I might add, the star route pattern retrieved from Yuriksha's phone in our last sortie.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Oh? That's interesting... do we have to head for the Breach again?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: I don't think so.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Intersecting lines always proceed trouble, do we know more?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: The majority of the stars appear to be best visible from the Western hemisphere at the moment.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Does that perhaps mean somewhere in the US?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Of the locations most easily accessible to us, Kingsmouth appears to be the best locale for gathering more observations.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Please tell me someone isn't trying to wake up the Sleepers again.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Lot of trouble out of one small town.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: It is a possibility we cannot discount.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: It's my hope that, if such is in the offing, we are well ahead of the game.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Coincidentally...
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Someone is always trying to wake up the sleepers, it seems
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Perhaps we get lucky and it's some kind of zombie apocalypse instead.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: There has been some chatter among Orochi in the area about some sort of... gravitational wave disturbance. Perhaps they might know something we want to know? It could give us a lead on piecing things together.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: We will see, Orochi are not always reliable
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: to put it that way
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Granted.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: There's a lack of decent satellite data due to inclement weather too. We'll be figuring out a lot of this on our own it seems
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: True, but they do keep showing interest on the island.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Hopefully their operational division is more competent than their network security team.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: If we can get one morsel to start, perhaps the pattern will begin to fall into place.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: We could always fly an RC plane over the Orochi base to see what they're doin, heh.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: And risk the FAAs wrath?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Akiko also gives this a grin.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: As long as you're steering, flyboy.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: That kid Danny down in the skate park does it for laughs, never gets caught
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Then shall we start there?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Good ol' Orochi incompetence
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Sounds as good a place as any.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Sounds as good as any spot. I'll bring my skateboard.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Allright, let's do it
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I'll meet you there.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Uh, I'll stick to two solid feet.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Oh yes, I do mean to say 'we'. Yuri has not yet been released to operational duty and I shall take her place. Rest assured, I am a CP and well capable of holding my own, at least in this locale."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: He just... right.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: That's Razorgrin Shinypants for you.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Glad to have you.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Impetuous, but once we have telemetry on him, we may as well follow his coordinates."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Were we not done with the meeting?
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Yeah I'm at the sheriff's office, haha
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "We're en route to you now."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: We should lo-jack him next time.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Ah, sea breeze and gunpowder.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: the calming sound of screeching zombies
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Frankly we'll be doing well if its just the undead around here
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Previous patterns have shown the risks of trying to exert too much control over behavioral variations. It is better to be flexible and adapt quickly."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: So in less words follow but let him dive in first to test the waters. Works for me.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *grins*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Indeed."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Let's keep our pants on this time though.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Aww
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Have to keep that for after hours my boy.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "If I understand correctly, our first waypoint is across the King's Strait..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: skate park then?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Yes. A moderate walk, if we want to walk."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Sure, stretch the legs
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I'll hover there, I've already stretched my legs in Egypt today.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Strange. I could have sworn this bridge was clear."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Last time I tried to fly this plane I had to give it back to Danny after crashing it."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: I can see your effect on the wings there.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: At least someone is enjoying themselves Razor
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Nyoooom
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Alright, we'll see if we can overcome his navigational problem and get a look at the facilities."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Maybe strapping a huge camera underneath wasn't the best for aerodynamics
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Granted."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Why won't this thing fly straight?!
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "There is a certain value for applied research."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Well, we got some footage, seems to have gone down outside the Orochi perimeter at least.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "So let's go get it."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "And see if we can fix it for another try."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: found it
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Looks like they fired off some EMP
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Figures, Orochi hate nosey neighbours.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: which caused the crash
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "It would be nice if we could harden the circuits. But shielding the body in lead would be... counterproductive."
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Well we are not getting a look this way then.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: If this is a closed operation, then they're not going to broadcast network access either.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Sewer door? Under and up?
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I can't get in from out here, I'm pretty sure.
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Should we get a closer look?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Hey, pictures. There's a tower. Computers. Stuff lying around."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Yes, we should."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Ooh we can knock out some poor Orochi suckers and steal their uniform *grin*
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Oh lovely. Sewers. And walking mudmen.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Anything to remove clothing with you Razor isn't it.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Absollutely *big grin*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Well, come on. Let's get him looking 'respectable'."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: found the sewer entrance
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Eyy conveniently dead Orochi guys
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Wonder what got them so close to the perimeter
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Ugh, these smell of sewers...
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Akiko looks around. "This is highly irregular."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: my EARS
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: 739241 it says on this note
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: ugh I hate it
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "They don't keep an accounting of people going missing? And right under their noses?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: That energy barrier will not let us just walk through it
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Pity, I liked the ears.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Do not print. Well good for us then.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Orochi? Sloppy opsec?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Well, I guess we're their replacements, whatever miniature black hole or walking dead got them."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Hi everybody! Just another Orochi guy, here for a tour!
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Relief team nothing to see here.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: whispers "Chatty bunch, aren't they?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Hey there's one of those towers
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "First, the tower."
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Dont go near the floating drones. They will knock you out.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: careful with the drones
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "At least, the south one"
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Watch those drones, don't think they'll be fooled with clothes alone. We've no biometrics
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: The word 'Formalhaut' is mentioned in the log. Weird!
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: The star name?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Yeah
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Everything seems to be shut down for now...
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Yeah, I'm good at pushin' buttons *grin*
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Pfft I guess we passed inspection
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Some second rate Orochi base this is.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: OK, so we've got these laptops here, a reference to a star...
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I could probably crack one for you if you want.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Me too, but I'd just throw it really hard *goofy grin*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Please do. In the meantime, maybe we can work something from the star reference..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Their IoT security is weak, I might be able to piggyback in on a drone..."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Good idea."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Any of you read the astrology section of the paper this morning?
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: There she goes with that sexy sexy technobabble
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Formalhaut is in the southern sky, but along a direct north-south line we get..."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "630".
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Balam quickly gets root on a drone.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "I only use it on special things, Mr. Arclight, shh... Alright, I'm in."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Mhm, I understand completely. Now explain it to everyone else.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Pfff
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: And I'll listen.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: 630? is it part of coordinates?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "I believe so."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "I... hold on."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: But where, landside or on a star chart. Hmm
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Well if we look the local map it actually goes pretty close to where we stand now.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: On the map, it's everything south from Langmore Bridge. Fletcher Road, down behind the church, on toward the bay
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "It's keeping watch on an island east of Journey's End. There are shifts in the infrared spectrum in the space there..."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "An astute observation. So whatever it is lies on a longitude with us. But the latitude..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: On into the Wispwood too
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Something weird out in the southeast, you say?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Yes. One of those little islands off the Journey's End point."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: ...I wonder what would happen if I shot a drone with Mjolnir *evil grin*
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Lets figure that out after we all leave before you Razor
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: 630 on north-south line would go almost directly through Pyramid Point down south.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: I've already been tackled by guards once.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Well, shall we return Mr. Dufresne his plane, then head in that direction?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Sounds like its time to scope out some beachfront property
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "This is a fast laptop, wasted on these lummocks..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Steal it *grin*
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Of course I won't steal it. I'm rescuing it from ineptitude instead."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Larceny, wheee
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Don't get it wet on the way out
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Don't steal it. They'll likely have a tracking device on it.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Aww
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "I'm going on ahead to the skate park. And she makes a good point."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I could fry it, but the owner might miss it and raise a stink.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Alright, I'm shooting that drone
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Sigh.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Oh it died
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Impressive
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Aw hehe
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: What exactly did you think would happen shooting it with lightning?
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Come on we're falling behind.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: I figured it would turn around and drag my ass outta here
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Men."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: It did that time
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Well we learned they are also not immune to bullets.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: What is this horrible music?
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Hey this is classic.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Reminds me of draug somehow
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Alright, now we've solved Danny's technical problem and scored one for free flow of information, in this little area. Very good. Now on to that anomaly."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Draug infestation this far up, we can expect a lot of them near the islands I suppose.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Guaranteed."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Gods the stench of this brine.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: What a lovely beasty
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I should have packed a swimsuit.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Skinny dipping?
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Hang on, this looks like the island. I can see the drone lurking up there."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: this does look anomalous
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: It looks like a crab trying to break out of the earth.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Yes Razor please do go first.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Might want a sample of this for the blues back home.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I am reminded of a quaint English word, 'pulsating'.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: I can just barely see in there-- it goes down a ways, like a mouth
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: As Razor approaches he can feel a pull, almost like his body would fall into the thing, if the pull on his feet weren't stronger.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Yep it's definitely trying to eat me, haha I'm in danger
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Something is suspended in the air above it, fluttering about...
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Might be... paper?
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Anyone got a good vertical leap?
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: "razor? you should move away from that thing!
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Perhaps Mr. Vanndire can keep a hold of him.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Razor there'll be plenty more bottomless pits later.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Aww
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: (can we take that flare as Razor jumping into the thing?
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: (lol sure xD)
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: WEEEE
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Damn it!
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Suddenly, Razorgrin is pulled off his feet!
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: It would almost seem his is sure to be sucked into the maw!
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: I don't listen wellllll ~ *doppler effect of Razor's voice*
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: " I told him to step away, now it has him"
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "If you jump in there, I'm going to... ssibal!"
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: But as he approaches the center, he goes... upward...
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: WEEEEE
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *snatches the paper thing in midair*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: And is now in a spin with this piece of paper
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: "sounds like fun, actually"
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: It's a poster
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Ok, didn't expect that
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: GUYS I GOT IT
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "So... how do we get him back?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Gaesaekki! Get your backside out of there!"
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: WEEEEE
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Anybody got a rope or something?
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: "what does the poster say?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Uh, there must be rope somewhere near the harbour
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *grabs one of the vines on the tips of the crab-like pincers*
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "I can't watch this."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: I can.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *hauls his way down the vine, hand over hand, despite the gravitational pull* I GOT THIS AHAHA
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *stupidly happy*
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: "can I see that vine for a sec?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: And that's why you're on the team lad.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Halfway down the vine...
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *tumbles and rolls down in front of everybody, covered in mud and vines, waving the poster around*
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: I diiid it <3
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Please tell me he's out."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Yes, now please ensure you celebrate your achievement down wind.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: It's got a sailor on it, and it says uh... Tonno Nyarlatho?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: The pull disappears, and Razor tumbles the rest of the way to the ground.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Weeee
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Also, whatever the drone is picking up on... cut out... we might have an Orochi team here soon to investigate why."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: He's in one piece Balam
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Or at least mostly.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *dumb grin, thumbs up*
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: This poster is telling me... to go west
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Weee~
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Well then
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Taking telemetry, I'd say we're at... 231 North
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: there is a boat here
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Heyyy it's just like the poster!
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: *That* was on the poster?
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Yeah
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: This is gonna sound crazy, but I got an urge to sacrifice a draug heart over this thing to see what happens
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Blood sacrifice? Really?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Well... 630 by 231... this is the spot..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Cabins empty.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Upon bringing the poster to the boat and laying it out...
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: We feel a pull like what Razor felt back at the big draug maw
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Oh this is familiar
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Tentacles sprout up from the deck, forming a gigantic archway
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: What the-
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "That... is not something you see everyday."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: And a visible distortion opens in the air above the bay.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: They scrambled their helicopters fast...
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "It might be big enough to fly a helicopter through."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Well, we know where to get some.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Shall we get one of our own? More to the matter, do we want to go in there?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Are we stealing a helicopter next? Can I drive?!
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: We need to beat Orochi to this before they decide to try it.
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: You just flew an RC plane, and how well that went?
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Can we have someone a little more level headed fly the largeer vehicle please?
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Awww
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Don't worry, I'll but you an RC helo when we're done.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: *buy
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "The sun's coming up."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: where do we get a helicopter?
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: For that matter, do we really want to go through this?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Well, this may present an imminent escalation of already poor matters in the region, not to mention the Earth..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: So long as it stays open it may be what comes out that is the concern
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Exactly."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Let's BLOW IT UP *giddy grin*
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Let's agree never to let him close to explosives."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Razor I must introduce you to a fellow of the Marya I met in Egypt, I think you would like him.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Is it Nassir? Love that guy
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: You've met then.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: By foot or by helicopter, we can go in.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Get to the choppa...
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *bad Arnold voice*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Ahh. There's our ride now..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: That last one was on the descent, may be going to refuel.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Getem!
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: I know I'd rather cross the threshold in a metal box than without myself.
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Alright, guess we are going in then.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: In short order, we have ourselves a pilot and the other team find themselves trying to stay warm on the shore.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: I guess I'll have to keep watch on Razor.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: We fly in. What we find on the other side is an island, surrounded by tall cliffs.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: There seem to be two approaches, from the east and the west.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Here's the gameplan. We'll split into two teams. Cassar and Razor's team will be dropped at the east, and I'll come in with the other group from the west."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Radio seems to work. Keep the line open."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: No sitting this one out Balam, get set.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "As you wish."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Encountering Draug, and tough ones.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: The helicopter drops us at our respective infiltration points.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Oou, zappies <3
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Hehehe
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Fore the love of....!
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: we have draugs walking around on this side as well
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: The moon hangs very large in the dark night sky. The stars shine brightly despite its aura.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: I like the tingling <3
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Lets get up this cliff to survey our side
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: This is like something out of a horror novel...
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Ohhh that's a big boat
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: We have eyes on a bulk freighter wreck. A lot of Orochi gear strewn around.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Holy crap,, it's wrapped in.. tentacles?
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Yes, also have eyes on the wreck
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Gaesaekki, indeed
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Welp let's go play in it, wheee!
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Lead the charge Razor
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I'm taking video.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: I bet that Draug thought he was so cool jumping down like that.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: figures this is an orochi vessel
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: There are some unusually large examples here.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: 100 foot leaps won't win against explosive rounds.
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Draug pods for a small nest worth
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Rad.. gett.. choppy... inside ..ull
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Off among the gigantic rocks, between the cliffs, under the ever-larger moons, looms a gigantic figure
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Its skin is dark as the night sky, the tentacles hanging from its maw glow like the moon above.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "I can't believe it!"
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Hey, we found Cthulu
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "That is straight from a fevered dream."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: " That is not like the other draug around here"
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "It's more than a Star Spawn, it's practically..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: We need to put this down before it breaks through to our side.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "I'd go so far as to call it, an Eidolon..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Take samples!"
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: I have a plushie of this guy somewhere at my house
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Right, we can see you from here. A coordinated assault on my signal."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Don't get drowned."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Ready on your go
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Watch out for anything. Alright... go!"
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: *takes samples*
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: it was looking hairy for a second there, he almost tossed us into another dimension
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Or back to ours maybe
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Pilot: The gateway seems to be destabilizing! We'd better get going if we don't want to be here for good!
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Alright let's head out of here
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Your samples make it back in one piece?
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Yes. I think I won't tell Research that they were gotten by a screaming madman waving a hammer, however."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: have samples right here! *waves test-tube*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Both teams emerge from the fray alive, despite all the tsunamis and shades and draug lords that intervened in the conflict.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: The portal closes.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Well, we won't be going back to vacation there next year then.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "That was deeply unpleasant. I'm going to go home, get a massage and have a long nap."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Come on, Razor was the one who got covered in slime I think all things considered you didn't fare half bad.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "I second the motion. We'll keep monitoring the situation, but I'd say this particular anomaly has been well dealt with."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Well done."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Good work, team
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Thank you, Miss Takayama."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: That means I can go to Balam's and get a massage too, right?
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Get the slime off first.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *jumps in the bay*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: So... horror from the stars out of N'Gha-Pei the Corpse Island put to rights. The End
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: The slime filled bay.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: As long as we don't have to go there soon. I don't like that this message is leading us deeper and deeper out of our world.
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Good that that's dealt with.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Still not sure who is behind all this
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: I'd still like to know what Orochi was planning for it.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: (hi, where should I go?)
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: (We're on Redcrosse, out in front of the building. just east of Pangaea)
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: (Currently in the midst of a standoff)
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: (sans tumbleweed)
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: (Any moment now, someone's going to start dancing)
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Good afternoon. I'm glad you've all answered my request for a meeting today.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Good afternoon
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Good afternoon.
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Hello
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: The call certainly piqued my interest.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Today's business is perhaps not as pressing as our last, however, Leadership has given the go-ahead for an investigation.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Computer analysis of the star route pattern has revealed an intersection of lines converging on the Earth.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: I might add, the star route pattern retrieved from Yuriksha's phone in our last sortie.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Oh? That's interesting... do we have to head for the Breach again?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: I don't think so.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Intersecting lines always proceed trouble, do we know more?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: The majority of the stars appear to be best visible from the Western hemisphere at the moment.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Does that perhaps mean somewhere in the US?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Of the locations most easily accessible to us, Kingsmouth appears to be the best locale for gathering more observations.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Please tell me someone isn't trying to wake up the Sleepers again.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Lot of trouble out of one small town.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: It is a possibility we cannot discount.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: It's my hope that, if such is in the offing, we are well ahead of the game.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Coincidentally...
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Someone is always trying to wake up the sleepers, it seems
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Perhaps we get lucky and it's some kind of zombie apocalypse instead.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: There has been some chatter among Orochi in the area about some sort of... gravitational wave disturbance. Perhaps they might know something we want to know? It could give us a lead on piecing things together.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: We will see, Orochi are not always reliable
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: to put it that way
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Granted.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: There's a lack of decent satellite data due to inclement weather too. We'll be figuring out a lot of this on our own it seems
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: True, but they do keep showing interest on the island.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Hopefully their operational division is more competent than their network security team.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: If we can get one morsel to start, perhaps the pattern will begin to fall into place.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: We could always fly an RC plane over the Orochi base to see what they're doin, heh.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: And risk the FAAs wrath?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Akiko also gives this a grin.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: As long as you're steering, flyboy.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: That kid Danny down in the skate park does it for laughs, never gets caught
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Then shall we start there?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Good ol' Orochi incompetence
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Sounds as good a place as any.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Sounds as good as any spot. I'll bring my skateboard.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Allright, let's do it
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I'll meet you there.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Uh, I'll stick to two solid feet.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Oh yes, I do mean to say 'we'. Yuri has not yet been released to operational duty and I shall take her place. Rest assured, I am a CP and well capable of holding my own, at least in this locale."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: He just... right.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: That's Razorgrin Shinypants for you.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Glad to have you.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Impetuous, but once we have telemetry on him, we may as well follow his coordinates."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Were we not done with the meeting?
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Yeah I'm at the sheriff's office, haha
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "We're en route to you now."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: We should lo-jack him next time.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Ah, sea breeze and gunpowder.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: the calming sound of screeching zombies
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Frankly we'll be doing well if its just the undead around here
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Previous patterns have shown the risks of trying to exert too much control over behavioral variations. It is better to be flexible and adapt quickly."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: So in less words follow but let him dive in first to test the waters. Works for me.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *grins*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Indeed."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Let's keep our pants on this time though.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Aww
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Have to keep that for after hours my boy.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "If I understand correctly, our first waypoint is across the King's Strait..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: skate park then?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Yes. A moderate walk, if we want to walk."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Sure, stretch the legs
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I'll hover there, I've already stretched my legs in Egypt today.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Strange. I could have sworn this bridge was clear."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Last time I tried to fly this plane I had to give it back to Danny after crashing it."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: I can see your effect on the wings there.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: At least someone is enjoying themselves Razor
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Nyoooom
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Alright, we'll see if we can overcome his navigational problem and get a look at the facilities."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Maybe strapping a huge camera underneath wasn't the best for aerodynamics
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Granted."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Why won't this thing fly straight?!
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "There is a certain value for applied research."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Well, we got some footage, seems to have gone down outside the Orochi perimeter at least.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "So let's go get it."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "And see if we can fix it for another try."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: found it
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Looks like they fired off some EMP
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Figures, Orochi hate nosey neighbours.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: which caused the crash
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "It would be nice if we could harden the circuits. But shielding the body in lead would be... counterproductive."
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Well we are not getting a look this way then.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: If this is a closed operation, then they're not going to broadcast network access either.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Sewer door? Under and up?
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I can't get in from out here, I'm pretty sure.
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Should we get a closer look?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Hey, pictures. There's a tower. Computers. Stuff lying around."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Yes, we should."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Ooh we can knock out some poor Orochi suckers and steal their uniform *grin*
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Oh lovely. Sewers. And walking mudmen.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Anything to remove clothing with you Razor isn't it.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Absollutely *big grin*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Well, come on. Let's get him looking 'respectable'."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: found the sewer entrance
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Eyy conveniently dead Orochi guys
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Wonder what got them so close to the perimeter
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Ugh, these smell of sewers...
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Akiko looks around. "This is highly irregular."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: my EARS
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: 739241 it says on this note
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: ugh I hate it
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "They don't keep an accounting of people going missing? And right under their noses?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: That energy barrier will not let us just walk through it
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Pity, I liked the ears.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Do not print. Well good for us then.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Orochi? Sloppy opsec?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Well, I guess we're their replacements, whatever miniature black hole or walking dead got them."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Hi everybody! Just another Orochi guy, here for a tour!
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Relief team nothing to see here.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: whispers "Chatty bunch, aren't they?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Hey there's one of those towers
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "First, the tower."
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Dont go near the floating drones. They will knock you out.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: careful with the drones
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "At least, the south one"
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Watch those drones, don't think they'll be fooled with clothes alone. We've no biometrics
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: The word 'Formalhaut' is mentioned in the log. Weird!
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: The star name?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Yeah
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Everything seems to be shut down for now...
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Yeah, I'm good at pushin' buttons *grin*
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Pfft I guess we passed inspection
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Some second rate Orochi base this is.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: OK, so we've got these laptops here, a reference to a star...
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I could probably crack one for you if you want.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Me too, but I'd just throw it really hard *goofy grin*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Please do. In the meantime, maybe we can work something from the star reference..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Their IoT security is weak, I might be able to piggyback in on a drone..."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Good idea."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Any of you read the astrology section of the paper this morning?
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: There she goes with that sexy sexy technobabble
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Formalhaut is in the southern sky, but along a direct north-south line we get..."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "630".
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Balam quickly gets root on a drone.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "I only use it on special things, Mr. Arclight, shh... Alright, I'm in."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Mhm, I understand completely. Now explain it to everyone else.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Pfff
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: And I'll listen.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: 630? is it part of coordinates?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "I believe so."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "I... hold on."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: But where, landside or on a star chart. Hmm
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Well if we look the local map it actually goes pretty close to where we stand now.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: On the map, it's everything south from Langmore Bridge. Fletcher Road, down behind the church, on toward the bay
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "It's keeping watch on an island east of Journey's End. There are shifts in the infrared spectrum in the space there..."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "An astute observation. So whatever it is lies on a longitude with us. But the latitude..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: On into the Wispwood too
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Something weird out in the southeast, you say?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Yes. One of those little islands off the Journey's End point."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: ...I wonder what would happen if I shot a drone with Mjolnir *evil grin*
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Lets figure that out after we all leave before you Razor
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: 630 on north-south line would go almost directly through Pyramid Point down south.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: I've already been tackled by guards once.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Well, shall we return Mr. Dufresne his plane, then head in that direction?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Sounds like its time to scope out some beachfront property
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "This is a fast laptop, wasted on these lummocks..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Steal it *grin*
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Of course I won't steal it. I'm rescuing it from ineptitude instead."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Larceny, wheee
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Don't get it wet on the way out
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Don't steal it. They'll likely have a tracking device on it.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Aww
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "I'm going on ahead to the skate park. And she makes a good point."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I could fry it, but the owner might miss it and raise a stink.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Alright, I'm shooting that drone
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Sigh.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Oh it died
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Impressive
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Aw hehe
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: What exactly did you think would happen shooting it with lightning?
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Come on we're falling behind.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: I figured it would turn around and drag my ass outta here
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Men."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: It did that time

[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Well we learned they are also not immune to bullets.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: What is this horrible music?
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Hey this is classic.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Reminds me of draug somehow
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Alright, now we've solved Danny's technical problem and scored one for free flow of information, in this little area. Very good. Now on to that anomaly."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Draug infestation this far up, we can expect a lot of them near the islands I suppose.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Guaranteed."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Gods the stench of this brine.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: What a lovely beasty
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I should have packed a swimsuit.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Skinny dipping?

[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Hang on, this looks like the island. I can see the drone lurking up there."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: this does look anomalous
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: It looks like a crab trying to break out of the earth.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Yes Razor please do go first.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Might want a sample of this for the blues back home.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I am reminded of a quaint English word, 'pulsating'.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: I can just barely see in there-- it goes down a ways, like a mouth
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: As Razor approaches he can feel a pull, almost like his body would fall into the thing, if the pull on his feet weren't stronger.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Yep it's definitely trying to eat me, haha I'm in danger

[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Something is suspended in the air above it, fluttering about...
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Might be... paper?
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Anyone got a good vertical leap?
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: "razor? you should move away from that thing!
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Perhaps Mr. Vanndire can keep a hold of him.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Razor there'll be plenty more bottomless pits later.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Aww
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: (can we take that flare as Razor jumping into the thing?

[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: (lol sure xD)
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: WEEEE
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Damn it!
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Suddenly, Razorgrin is pulled off his feet!
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: It would almost seem his is sure to be sucked into the maw!
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: I don't listen wellllll ~ *doppler effect of Razor's voice*
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: " I told him to step away, now it has him"
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "If you jump in there, I'm going to... ssibal!"
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: But as he approaches the center, he goes... upward...
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: WEEEEE
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *snatches the paper thing in midair*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: And is now in a spin with this piece of paper
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: "sounds like fun, actually"
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: It's a poster
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Ok, didn't expect that
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: GUYS I GOT IT
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "So... how do we get him back?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Gaesaekki! Get your backside out of there!"
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: WEEEEE
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Anybody got a rope or something?
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: "what does the poster say?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Uh, there must be rope somewhere near the harbour
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *grabs one of the vines on the tips of the crab-like pincers*
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "I can't watch this."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: I can.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *hauls his way down the vine, hand over hand, despite the gravitational pull* I GOT THIS AHAHA
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *stupidly happy*
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: "can I see that vine for a sec?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: And that's why you're on the team lad.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Halfway down the vine...
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *tumbles and rolls down in front of everybody, covered in mud and vines, waving the poster around*
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: I diiid it <3
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Please tell me he's out."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Yes, now please ensure you celebrate your achievement down wind.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: It's got a sailor on it, and it says uh... Tonno Nyarlatho?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: The pull disappears, and Razor tumbles the rest of the way to the ground.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Weeee
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Also, whatever the drone is picking up on... cut out... we might have an Orochi team here soon to investigate why."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: He's in one piece Balam
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Or at least mostly.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *dumb grin, thumbs up*
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: This poster is telling me... to go west
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Weee~
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Well then
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Taking telemetry, I'd say we're at... 231 North
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: there is a boat here
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Heyyy it's just like the poster!
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: *That* was on the poster?
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Yeah
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: This is gonna sound crazy, but I got an urge to sacrifice a draug heart over this thing to see what happens
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Blood sacrifice? Really?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Well... 630 by 231... this is the spot..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Cabins empty.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Upon bringing the poster to the boat and laying it out...
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: We feel a pull like what Razor felt back at the big draug maw
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Oh this is familiar
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Tentacles sprout up from the deck, forming a gigantic archway
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: What the-
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "That... is not something you see everyday."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: And a visible distortion opens in the air above the bay.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: They scrambled their helicopters fast...
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "It might be big enough to fly a helicopter through."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Well, we know where to get some.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Shall we get one of our own? More to the matter, do we want to go in there?"
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Are we stealing a helicopter next? Can I drive?!

[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: We need to beat Orochi to this before they decide to try it.
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: You just flew an RC plane, and how well that went?
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Can we have someone a little more level headed fly the largeer vehicle please?
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Awww
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Don't worry, I'll but you an RC helo when we're done.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: *buy
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "The sun's coming up."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: where do we get a helicopter?
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: For that matter, do we really want to go through this?
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Well, this may present an imminent escalation of already poor matters in the region, not to mention the Earth..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: So long as it stays open it may be what comes out that is the concern
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Exactly."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Let's BLOW IT UP *giddy grin*
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Let's agree never to let him close to explosives."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Razor I must introduce you to a fellow of the Marya I met in Egypt, I think you would like him.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Is it Nassir? Love that guy
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: You've met then.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: By foot or by helicopter, we can go in.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Get to the choppa...
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *bad Arnold voice*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Ahh. There's our ride now..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: That last one was on the descent, may be going to refuel.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Getem!
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: I know I'd rather cross the threshold in a metal box than without myself.
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Alright, guess we are going in then.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: In short order, we have ourselves a pilot and the other team find themselves trying to stay warm on the shore.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: I guess I'll have to keep watch on Razor.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: We fly in. What we find on the other side is an island, surrounded by tall cliffs.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: There seem to be two approaches, from the east and the west.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Here's the gameplan. We'll split into two teams. Cassar and Razor's team will be dropped at the east, and I'll come in with the other group from the west."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Radio seems to work. Keep the line open."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: No sitting this one out Balam, get set.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "As you wish."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Encountering Draug, and tough ones.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: The helicopter drops us at our respective infiltration points.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Oou, zappies <3
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Hehehe
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Fore the love of....!
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: we have draugs walking around on this side as well
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: The moon hangs very large in the dark night sky. The stars shine brightly despite its aura.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: I like the tingling <3
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Lets get up this cliff to survey our side
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: This is like something out of a horror novel...
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Ohhh that's a big boat
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: We have eyes on a bulk freighter wreck. A lot of Orochi gear strewn around.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Holy crap,, it's wrapped in.. tentacles?
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Yes, also have eyes on the wreck
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Gaesaekki, indeed
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Welp let's go play in it, wheee!
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Lead the charge Razor
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: I'm taking video.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: I bet that Draug thought he was so cool jumping down like that.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: figures this is an orochi vessel
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: There are some unusually large examples here.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: 100 foot leaps won't win against explosive rounds.
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Draug pods for a small nest worth
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Rad.. gett.. choppy... inside ..ull
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Off among the gigantic rocks, between the cliffs, under the ever-larger moons, looms a gigantic figure
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Its skin is dark as the night sky, the tentacles hanging from its maw glow like the moon above.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "I can't believe it!"
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: Hey, we found Cthulu
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "That is straight from a fevered dream."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: " That is not like the other draug around here"
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "It's more than a Star Spawn, it's practically..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: We need to put this down before it breaks through to our side.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "I'd go so far as to call it, an Eidolon..."
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Take samples!"
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: I have a plushie of this guy somewhere at my house
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Right, we can see you from here. A coordinated assault on my signal."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Don't get drowned."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Ready on your go
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Watch out for anything. Alright... go!"
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: *takes samples*
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: it was looking hairy for a second there, he almost tossed us into another dimension
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Or back to ours maybe
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Pilot: The gateway seems to be destabilizing! We'd better get going if we don't want to be here for good!
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Alright let's head out of here
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Your samples make it back in one piece?
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Yes. I think I won't tell Research that they were gotten by a screaming madman waving a hammer, however."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: have samples right here! *waves test-tube*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: Both teams emerge from the fray alive, despite all the tsunamis and shades and draug lords that intervened in the conflict.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: The portal closes.
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Well, we won't be going back to vacation there next year then.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "That was deeply unpleasant. I'm going to go home, get a massage and have a long nap."
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: Come on, Razor was the one who got covered in slime I think all things considered you didn't fare half bad.
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "I second the motion. We'll keep monitoring the situation, but I'd say this particular anomaly has been well dealt with."
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: "Well done."
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Good work, team
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: "Thank you, Miss Takayama."
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: That means I can go to Balam's and get a massage too, right?

[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: Get the slime off first.
[#TheDeeps] [*Razorgrin]: *jumps in the bay*
[#TheDeeps] [Martyr-Complex]: So... horror from the stars out of N'Gha-Pei the Corpse Island put to rights. The End
[#TheDeeps] [*Cassar]: The slime filled bay.
[#TheDeeps] [*Balam]: As long as we don't have to go there soon. I don't like that this message is leading us deeper and deeper out of our world.
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: Good that that's dealt with.
[#TheDeeps] [*Xaoti]: Still not sure who is behind all this
[#TheDeeps] [*Saunabath]: I'd still like to know what Orochi was planning for it.