So, how about one or more leaders, or suitably experienced folks, mentoring interested people in running lairs over a few weeks? This could cover help gathering a group, lfg in chat, and the event itself. Also, standing by to avert disaster [I witnessed one a few weeks ago -- horrible

Perhaps RIfla's gear expertise could also come in to play in trying to work out how it might be possible for someone who isn't a tank to adapt.
The benefits would be having lair opportunities for those missing out, developing our skills and competences, and having [eventually] a larger base of members who can offer events to all -- less pressure on a few individuals.
As far as I can see, the best window of opportunity would be 10:30 - 14:00 ish, Sat/Sundays.
Any thought? Does the idea suck? It might suck -- I'm just spilling my brains