Signup here for EU shift regional bosses run, or drop me an ingame tell @ 8.2.22 1 pm UTC. Please be there a couple minuites in advance as we won't be waiting for more than 10-15 minuites. Squishy E8 tank - you have been warned so don't gimme a earfull for any deaths etc.
8.2.22 Regional Bosses First Shift Signup
Moderator: Leaders
8.2.22 Regional Bosses First Shift Signup
Last edited by Nexaros on Sat Feb 05, 2022 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: 8.2.22 Regional Bosses First Shift Signup
Sign me up. I'll do my best to keep everybody alive 

If it's taking damage, heal it. If it's not, heal it all the same -- it might soon take damage.