Ankh with Fractalis, Bester, and Inconnu...
Screenshot thread
Re: Screenshot thread
"So much pain can be avoided by not devising stories that further upset us."
~ Derren Brown
~ Derren Brown
Re: Screenshot thread
Judging from the angle, it looks like Klein was taking the picture
It was a fun run!

If it's taking damage, heal it. If it's not, heal it all the same -- it might soon take damage.
Re: Screenshot thread
He was. Since we had defeated him, he felt the least he could do was take the picture 

"So much pain can be avoided by not devising stories that further upset us."
~ Derren Brown
~ Derren Brown
Re: Screenshot thread
E5 dungeon featuring HegemonDeExile, Lisiasty, Xantheavia, some guy they found on the side of the road and Alepouditsa.
Re: Screenshot thread
Almost all members of Team Polska were there, then. I see you brought a police dog as well (I suppose it's yours, Cassar?). Was the boss trying to smuggle illegal goods into the Secret World?
If it's taking damage, heal it. If it's not, heal it all the same -- it might soon take damage.
Re: Screenshot thread
Nice shot. I can't see Cassar very clearly though. Skulking in the shadows, as ever.
"So much pain can be avoided by not devising stories that further upset us."
~ Derren Brown
~ Derren Brown
Re: Screenshot thread
It had crossed my mind to try a censorship style removal of myself from the image but I was pressed for time.
Foreign entity trying to cross the dimensional border.
Re: Screenshot thread
"So much pain can be avoided by not devising stories that further upset us."
~ Derren Brown
~ Derren Brown
Re: Screenshot thread
So big... it's no longer the cute little leet, these things are the Sons of Gozilla!
If it's taking damage, heal it. If it's not, heal it all the same -- it might soon take damage.