All you need to do is throw any MEMES, VIDEOS OR MUSIC you have in mind that would best fit to the category.
- You have to submit it in single post as a response to this thread, covering at least 5 categories until 15.07.2022 (00:00 UTC)
- You can add your own bonus reaction.
- Only one entry per cabal member
- Entries should be SFW
Voting will be available until 19.07.2022
1. Hitting Recursia from Hell Eternal when she’s inside yellow circle
2. Just got your legendary Vali Metabolic
3. Nerluk shouts that He’s about to summon 40 Megabosses
4. Your tank lost aggro
5. You bought something cheaper because seller missed one zero in price
6. When Klein starts talking to you even in Agartha
7. You need to redo your pyramid mission for achievement
8. Someone is complimenting your performance in the dungeon/lair etc.
9. After seeing leet cult in Agartha
10. Once you fill your regional raid
11. Your tank lost aggro, AGAIN
12. Suddenly GM respond for your petition from 3 months before
13. Killing last scorpion for achievement
14. Someone did not pick up schematics or stone in the lair.
15. Getting perfect outfit
16. When you die in first few seconds of New York Raid
17. Somebody finally sold some aurums to you
18. Facing blue flickering bug in Occult Defence
I prize: 30 yellow keys, 1st draft pick
II prize: 20 yellow keys, 2nd draft pick
III prize: 10 yellow keys, 3rd draft pick
IV prize: 4th draft pick
V prize: 5th draft pick
VI prize: 6th draft pick
Every participant that covers at least 5 categories will be rewarded 10 purple keys
Draft Reward list:
In addition to the container keys, the winners will choose their rewards from the listing below based on the order of place they came in the vote.
- Rocket-powered Hoversled
- Arctic drone
- Aranae’s Recluse outfit
- Radiant Egon Pendant
- Radiant Razor Fossil
- Icy Claws
- 10 Mk IV Weapon Fragment
- Intricate Fierce Glyph
- 10 Resplendent Talisman Fragments
Items in italic are taken
1st places Cassar -10 MKIV Weapon Fragments
2nd place Katelin - 10 Resplendent Talisman Fragments
3rd place GunnerySgt - Intricate Fierce Glyph
4th place Fractalis - Icy claws
5th place rotofica - Radiant Razor Fossil
6th place Blood-Shadow - Rocket-powered Hoversled
Thanks for participating