NYR story and E1 - Weds 17 Jan - 20.00 UTC

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Re: NYR story and E1 - Weds 17 Jan - 20.00 UTC

Post by Mellified »


Kate - tank 500 ish
Ezraell - tank ~380
Durendal - Heals 500 ish
Ghostchilde - DPS story - heals E1?
Mellified - dps - 670

Carbon DPS - IP 518
DigitalWraith DPS 580
Wadey - dps
Relana - DPS 235
Licantus - 300 dps

Reserve: Saunabath - dps 420

Sorry Sauna - I just took the order of sign-ups - you will be in for sure next week if you sign up
I was carried to Ohio
In a swarm of bees

- The National Bloodbuzz Ohio
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