Raid Sunday 4 August 18:00 GMT

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Re: Raid Sunday 4 August 18:00 GMT

Post by Isera »

Signing up for DPS (PI/SG).
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Re: Raid Sunday 4 August 18:00 GMT

Post by Uragon »

I can heal, pod, distract zombies and dragons or all of the things before. Or DPS, if I really have to.
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Re: Raid Sunday 4 August 18:00 GMT

Post by Katelin »

We might not make it at the time stated, so please don't sign me up as tank. I would dislike you all to be depending on me for the tanking role and then not have enough people around - though Cleia and Kaydn both have signed up from what I saw :)
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
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Re: Raid Sunday 4 August 18:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

No worries, I'll get Kadyn and Cleia to tank and will confirm that in the post right now.
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Re: Raid Sunday 4 August 18:00 GMT

Post by mimmsy »

Signing up! As Blood / Elem DPS. That is, if it's ok that I'm a raid noob in TSW, never been there. Will do some reading and checking vids on the tacts before tho.
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Re: Raid Sunday 4 August 18:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

If Kate and Uragon are not able to show, am going to either solo heal this one or even use two leeches. Our fist offhealer tactic is quite dependent on the fist healer being experienced with it, and I don't want to teach a new healer it all over again.

I have a theory that without the fistheals the tanks will actually have an easier time with aggro. :)
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Re: Raid Sunday 4 August 18:00 GMT

Post by Uragon »

If you're talking about the dragons in phase 2, that's quite possibly true. Though I think those problems are very manageable by the fist healer ping-ponging between the tanks, basically pulling the dragons to where they should be through heal aggro rather than counting on tanks spotting them. That seems to have been the main issue that tanks didn't get them in time and then ended up with two dragons bunched up in the middle. Hard to get them apart again once they're merged somewhere. It might also be a total non-issue for a blood healer.

I see the major down side to having only one or two leech healers in the huge potential for chaos during phase 3. As you said before, a lot of raid groups seem to have issues dealing with adds quickly enough. With the current approach, I can easily dance around with them for a prolonged period (usually until the next pod comes along) with the only real cost being that I can't help healing. Without that, I would assume the DPS really have to kill them in five seconds, or alternatively be killed.
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Re: Raid Sunday 4 August 18:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

Yeah it really depends on the raid setup.

If we did have two leeches, I would go into an AoE heavy build to help with add waves.

I completely trust you to do your role, but it took us quite a few hours to get it smooth. Main thing is that I don't want to have to teach a new fist healer unfamiliar with the approach if you can't show, so I'd like to look at alternative options for when you can't do it. :)
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Re: Raid Sunday 4 August 18:00 GMT

Post by kadyn »

The issue I see is actually with the phase switch from 1 to 2, if the tank have high stack, leech healer will not be able to heal till the adds pop up, and by then, it might be too late.
As for the adds, if the dps podder is vigilant, they can control the adds by dropping ice and lighting manifestation on them and spray them with supressing fire while inside the buff.
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Re: Raid Sunday 4 August 18:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

Usually I solve that issue by healing against the lurker until the adds come. :)

While it won't offset high stacks on both, is enough to keep one tank alive even at 20 stacks. For adds, my normal raid leech build now has enough aoe to shoot them fine enough.
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