You don't have to have the exact build in there, but make sure to have Provoke and Mass Provoke, plus a dash or movement ability of some sort while you learn.
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
Checks that the calendar item says the raid is on Wednesday, November 26th
Checks that it isn't yet Wednesday, November 26th.
Lare for what now? I'm beginning to think the issue isn't that you're terrible at converting times to your timezone Shive, rather that you just have no understanding of the concept of dates and time ; p
If there is a spot available tomorrow, I would be happy to join. I have only done the NY Raid once before and that was as a Fist/Blood healer, which is my primary focus. I can also dps if needed. Best dps build I have is blade/chaos, but since I know that is not preferred, I can also run pistol/shotgun or whatever (I have 100% of wheel if someone has a good build). However, while my fists, blood, sword, and chaos weapons are all 10.4, all my other weapons are 10.0-10.2 drops from NM dungeons. Thought I would mention that since 10.2 was specified in the raid information. All dps talismans are 10.4.4 except for one 10.2.
I'll have to take a look at who has been on reserves recently and such to figure out the team, but I will say if I set Half up to learn how to tank, I won't have you also learning how to healpod in NYR at the same time. I'd prefer that to happen with a couple experienced tanks (Or even after a couple runs with Half as tank), so you may end up DPSing a couple NYRs before you get to healpod.