NY Raid Thursday 12 March 2015 19:50 GMT

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Re: NY Raid Thursday 12 March 2015 19:50 GMT

Post by Kisshoten »

Teams for today:

BrokenPieces - Tank
Chaosetor - Tank
Sonno - Healpod
Marlonini/risuka - Leech
Kisshoten - buffDD

Floryn - aoeDD
misbeliever - aoeDD
Gotica - buffDD
Cragganmore - DD
Antanahe - DD

Mellified - buff/aoeDD
Posts: 956
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Twitter: @Chaosetor_tsw
Location: Norway

Re: NY Raid Thursday 12 March 2015 19:50 GMT

Post by Chaosetor »

Then I get to test my blade/hammer tank build :D Just a warning though, I am likely to mess up my rotation beyond recognition in phase 3
Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.
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