NY Raid Sunday 05 April 2015 18:50 GMT

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Re: NY Raid Sunday 05 April 2015 18:50 GMT

Post by Katelin »

Kate tank
Durendal heal-pods
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
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Re: NY Raid Sunday 05 April 2015 18:50 GMT

Post by Naite »

Naite for single target dps (AoE if needed)
Posts: 199
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Re: NY Raid Sunday 05 April 2015 18:50 GMT

Post by Blueplain »

DPS - 10.5 shotgun, rest gear 10.2-10.1
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Re: NY Raid Sunday 05 April 2015 18:50 GMT

Post by Kisshoten »

Had to think long about the final teams for today.
Is a bit more risky then usual since we have some new faces who are either new to the raid or are unknown to me in 9s raid and/or their respective roles.

Kisshoten - tank
vikestart - healpod
Chaos - tank
Lerik - leech
Blueplain - buffDPS

Floryn - aoeDPS
Gotica - buff DPS
Antanahe - aoedps
xBlackravenx - dps
Naite - dps

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