NY Raid Sunday July 5th 18:50GMT

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Re: NY Raid Sunday July 5th 18:50GMT

Post by Antanahe »

Anta - Tank, Adds, SF, DABS, DPS
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Re: NY Raid Sunday July 5th 18:50GMT

Post by Rick Fortune »

Seeing how it's the hour later I'll come to this one. Either of my two on shootie DPS stuff since Durendal's already healpodding. :)
New Name is 'Cholesterol' cause I keep giving people Cardiac Arrests.
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Re: NY Raid Sunday July 5th 18:50GMT

Post by Shock G »

Leech or tank. Just not at the same time, please.
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Re: NY Raid Sunday July 5th 18:50GMT

Post by Uragon »

Rick Fortune wrote:Seeing how it's the hour later I'll come to this one. Either of my two on shootie DPS stuff since Durendal's already healpodding. :)
Well, I could always try to mDPS. That would be me learning though, as in: I have a history of standing at the well watching the action while I'm on DPS duty. :mrgreen:
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Re: NY Raid Sunday July 5th 18:50GMT

Post by Burton1305 »

Hoodmk2 dps
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Re: NY Raid Sunday July 5th 18:50GMT

Post by fig »

Katelin Tank
Antanahe Tank
Uragon HealPod
Shock G Leech
Frogsley BuffDPS

Floryn AddsDPS
Directio BuffDPS
Sonno DPS
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