NY Raid Sunday 26 July 2015 17:50 GMT

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Location: Netherlands

Re: NY Raid Sunday 26 July 2015 17:50 GMT

Post by Kisshoten »

Closing sign-ups.

Teams for this run:
Anta - tank
Flo - leech
Katelin - tank
Durendal - healpod
Frogsley - DA/BS DPS

Mellified - Adsds DPS
risuka - dps
MissR - DPS
Kisshoten - DA/BS DPS
cold-alex - sf dps

directio - dps, nubleech
Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:09 am

Re: NY Raid Sunday 26 July 2015 17:50 GMT

Post by alternative_roo »

Wolf dps
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