Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Joshua »

Kotts wrote:Additionaly, I'm bored at work (for another 30 minutes) now so if you have questions fire away!
Well, our biggest questions it sounded like Silmeria would be the one to answer? I guess number one on our list is whether you guys have decided on a raiding schedule or not. Being East coast US players who have to get up early in the AM we're a bit limited in our availability there. :)

Other than that...I think you answered a couple of my questions about how you approach things...that was helpful. But since you're bored I'll also ask, what is the velocity of an unladen swallow?
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Kotts »

Yeah we don't have a set raiding schedule (yet), Sil talked about doing both scheduled and unscheduled runs. We haven't schduled anything really since... Well so far it hasn't been needed. We have several players in The east coast, mountain, and central time zones too.

As for the swallow... African or European?
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Joshua »

Kotts wrote:Yeah we don't have a set raiding schedule (yet), Sil talked about doing both scheduled and unscheduled runs. We haven't schduled anything really since... Well so far it hasn't been needed. We have several players in The east coast, mountain, and central time zones too.
Understandable...its tough when things are so unsettled - new game, new players, etc. Maybe another way of looking at this is, are your plans large enough to allow for multiple raids (say a US Eastern and a EU, or whatever makes sense) or are you planning to focus on one time once the dust settles, or are raids more likely to remain "free flowing"?

Obviously specifically I'm concerned about US times...8pm Eastern is a great raiding time for us (as an example) but it's 6pm Mountain and 5pm Pacific. 8pm Mountain is already 10pm Eastern, etc. I'll admit it, my country's too damn big, but there you have it. :D

And I understand if "we don't know" is the answer - I'm just trying to probe to find out how much is known vs unknown vs purposefully fluid, if that makes sense. :)
As for the swallow... African or European?
Uh, I don't know...aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Kotts »

We have a structure that allows us to house and cater to many members. This would allows us to host multiple raids at different times. Part of Silmeria's goals were to have dungeon runs, and raids be as accessible to as many timezones and play schedules as possible. It really depends on the number of people required for a raid, and what the lock out timers look like. Weekends seem to be the best time for availability between the NA and Euro players. For our one month-after-release event we scheduled on a weekend, and it looked like a college schedule sorta. there was something almost every hour, hosted by different divisions. Flexibility and diversity is our goal. :D
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Joshua »

Kotts wrote:We have a structure that allows us to house and cater to many members. This would allows us to host multiple raids at different times. Part of Silmeria's goals were to have dungeon runs, and raids be as accessible to as many timezones and play schedules as possible. It really depends on the number of people required for a raid, and what the lock out timers look like. Weekends seem to be the best time for availability between the NA and Euro players. For our one month-after-release event we scheduled on a weekend, and it looked like a college schedule sorta. there was something almost every hour, hosted by different divisions. Flexibility and diversity is our goal. :D
Sounds like a worthwhile goal. :)
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by TheSurrealTruth »

Hey guys and gals.

I've been keeping up with TSW since it was first announced (how many years ago?). Horror-themed mmo is right up my alley. Unfortunately, turns out I'm the only one of my friends who has a computer that can run the darn thing. So for a while now, I've been casually playing it by myself. While the game is great, perfectly fine for going solo, I plan on sticking around for some time so I figured I'd try to make a few friends online and enjoy the game on that next level. Apparently being "social" is important to the human experience. :roll:

Obvious next step: Join a cool cabal.

Nine Swords caught my eye from the start. Great setup. A clever idea. But not as intimidating as some of the other equally well-designed cabals. I get the feeling I don't have to be an mmo-gamer of 20+ years to join, which is good, because TSW is only the second MMO I've played. And unless horror and dark fantasy suddenly gets popular again, I doubt I'll play any other MMO in the near future. The one before this was SWTOR, which felt like JRPG: Grind, grind, grind -- Ooh, something interesting -- grind, grind, impossible boss, throw the controller, rage quit.

I'm primarily a console gamer. I. Love. My. Xbox. But, hey, TSW isn't on console, so here I am. I'm also a writer (aspiring) which explains this novel of a post. ;)

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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Succubus »

Do not worry about being inexperienced as a MMO player, for me this is my first MMO I play (Nintendo for me) and Nine swords has welcomed me with open arms :)
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Anatoli »

Succubus wrote:Do not worry about being inexperienced as a MMO player, for me this is my first MMO I play (Nintendo for me) and Nine swords has welcomed me with open arms :)
Yeah, because I vividly remember you threatening us with all the thunderstorms and diseases. Not really a choice, is it?

Be careful with Succubus around. She's sometimes not himself ;)

Other than that, welcome, of course! You've just applied to a very lovely cabal!
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Succubus »

Anatoli wrote: Be careful with Succubus around. She's sometimes not himself ;)
Lol XD
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Truhart »

Hi guys, Truhart here.
I have been playing TSW since beta and have been part of a cabal for the last few months. However many people are leaving the game and cabal to play GW2 and the like. So there are not many friends left to do instances and just have fun with as there used to be.
So i'm activaly looking for a new Cabal to join up with and get ready for the forthcoming releases.
I have 1 Wife, 2 Daughters, 4 Dogs, I play golf and like to watch footy on the tv and my favorite team just won the premiership after 44 years of trying! silly things seem to make me laugh, fav programme at the moment is 'The Big Bang Thorey' I like the Nolans, Barry Manilow, Meatloaf, and David Bowie and loads of others as well.
I'm a grumpy old git, very laid back and no dramas please. Dont suffer fools lightly, allways willing to voice an opinion, and think on my feet, but will always listen to the raid leader and follow the team stratergy.
My main question is how many ppl are on line on average from GMT 7pm? (really just looking for an active, fun, friendly, Cabal)

Hope you guys can find a place for me.
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