Check your closets!

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Re: Check your closets!

Post by Sep »

Sorry I have not had a chance to be around but I will try and catch you in-game for pictures, in white clothes! :D

edit: I got the book on someone else, will need just the claws. :)
Sephora "Sep" Jones
Bored Archivist & Cat-lady of the Apocalypse.
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Re: Check your closets!

Post by Sep »

Updated the missing weapons list on the first page. Cut out a whole chunk of stuff so it does not look as overwhelming, so now if it's not on that list then it's already done.

Thank you to all who braved the dungeon for weapons screenshots today. :)
Sephora "Sep" Jones
Bored Archivist & Cat-lady of the Apocalypse.
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Re: Check your closets!

Post by Sep »

Dungeon weapons are done, just missing Eidolon lair raid items now.

Time to start on pets, I'll make a list of missing ones once I sort what I currently have screenshots of.

Sephora "Sep" Jones
Bored Archivist & Cat-lady of the Apocalypse.
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Twitter: @TheFunIsOn

Re: Check your closets!

Post by TheFun »

Hello everyone!

So, I checked the closet for missing items and I figured I should repost it here

Missing items:

The Black Signal issue t-shirt
Jingasa hat, black (Exploration achievement.)

Missing Female version:

Fear Nothing Kanji t-shirt

Missing Weapons Eidolon Raid

Maybe Kaidan version of the weapons.

SO, since most of the items we miss are related to Kaidan and achievements in this zone, I'll be planning a run through KD soon. It will be, I think, a great opportunity for people that have barely set foot here to get the related quests and check if the weapons are different.

Although, if someone already have the forementioned items, please do not hesitate to send the pictures to Sep
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