Today is the Nine Swords and League of Monster Slayers MONSTER BASH!! We want to see as many of you there as possible in your scariest Halloween costumes.
We are going to be in Agartha summoning from around 12noon GMT. You can see the schedule / summoning teams here in the Noticeboard thread . The last scheduled summoning team is at 1am GMT.
If anyone wants to tank / heal from either cabal and sees open summoning slots, please either respond to the thread or get in touch with Katelin.
See you all in game!
Please note, the Samhain event has been extended to November 12th!
Ready for some more action and excitement? Chapter 12 of Nine Swords Evolutions has been released by HolloPoint today! You can continue reading here: Nine Swords Evolutions, Chapter 12
Want to know what is currently going on in Nine Swords? Well then - head over to this link and get caught up via the latest issue of our cabal newsletter! https://www.nine-swords.com/the-sword-s-edge/386-the-sword-s-edge-issue-49
Don't know about you guys, but my Sunday mornings would not be as awesome without the next installments of Nine Swords Evolutions to look forward to - It is time for action! Continue reading HolloPoints amazing graphic novel here: https://www.nine-swords.com/knowledge-base/nine-swords-evolutions?start=108
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